Sculpture Symposium Krastal

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The Krastal sculpture symposium took place in the Krastal near Villach in Carinthia in July 2009. It was probably the first international sculpture symposium for natural stone in the world in which only women took part, and it was also the 42nd event of the Krastal sculpture symposia in Austria since 1967.

Course of the symposium

In general, stone carving is believed to be a male domain, although there are numerous female sculptors who sculpt natural stone .

While they were working on the sculptures, the seven international artists exhibited small sculptures, ideas, presentations and concepts in the “Künstlerhaus Krastal [art] krastal”. Work on the sculptures began on July 6th in the Lauster quarry in Krastal. On July 18, the unfinished marble sculptures were transported from the quarry to the Rosstratte car park on the Dobratsch mountain , where they were completed by July 24, 2009.

Working on large sculptures in two places ties in with the traditions of the Krastal sculpture symposia of the 1990s, where work was carried out at two different places. Working near the Dobratsch was intended to emphasize the connection between sculpture and landscape.

After completion, the works of the artists have been on display since August 2010 on Villacher Alpenstraße at parking lot 10 below Rosstratte as a permanent exhibition "Sculpture Island [kunstwerk] krastal".

The symposium of the female sculptors took place in cooperation with the women's department of the city of Villach, the women's department of the State of Carinthia and the Villacher Alpenstraße AG.


The works made of Krastal marble by the seven participants in the 21-day symposium were:

  • Hopes , Vivian El Batanoni (Egypt)
  • Don't worry , Erika Inger (Italy)
  • Stairs stone - Alpstuhl , Birgit Knappe (Germany)
  • Untitled , Shiiko Iwaki (Japan)
  • Star gazing place , Carmen Tepsan (Romania)
  • Sonnenplatz 2009 , Heliane Wiesauer-Reiterer (Austria)
  • At the same time, No. 1 , Li Zhao (China).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Exhibition of the sculptures of the 42nd International Sculpture Symposium Krastal - The Other Half - Focus on Sculptors ( Memento of the original from March 4, 2016 in the Internet Archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. . Retrieved August 4, 2010  @1@ 2Template: Webachiv / IABot /
  2. Illustration of the stair stone - Alp chair by Birgit Kanppe . Retrieved August 4, 2010