Bioresonance therapy
The Bioresonanztherapie , BRT abbreviated alternative designations are Mora therapy , biophysical information therapy or multi-resonance therapy is a scientifically documented, alternative medicine method for the treatment of various diseases to serve. This also includes clinical pictures which are unknown in evidence-based medicine and which contradict fundamental knowledge about human physiology (see " Sugar allergy ").
Bioresonance therapy is therefore not part of the range of methods used in scientific medicine. There is no evidence of efficacy beyond placebo effects . Bioresonance therapy has nothing to do with biofeedback or bioenergetic analysis , which has evolved from psychoanalysis .
The bioresonance methods are derived from the radionics developed by Albert Abrams in the USA in 1920 , which the American Medical Association called “ the dean of twentieth century charlatans ” (German: “Dean of the Quacks of the 20th Century”). The procedures were introduced in 1977 by the German Scientologist Franz Morell and his son-in-law, the engineer Erich Rasche, as MORA therapy .
In order not to be moved any further close to Scientology, several important therapist associations renamed themselves in the 1990s and banned “bioresonance” from their naming. Similar processes exist under the names of biocommunication, bicom, multicom and multiresonance therapy, biophysical information therapy (BIT), diagnostic resonance therapy (DRT), sequential frequency diagnostics, lycotronic therapy, SomaDyne, VegaSTT or matrix regeneration therapy.
To measure, the test person touches a device with at least two electrodes , the functionality of which is not disclosed by the manufacturer. Presumably they measure the skin resistance, similar to a lie detector , electroacupuncture according to Voll (EAV) or the e-meter used in Scientology - L. Ron Hubbard , founder of Scientology, developed a "radionics" device. Some devices amplify electrical signals in the low frequency range like the amplifier of a stereo system, whereby illnesses are supposed to show up as an alleged disturbance in the frequency pattern. The manufacturers claim that the method measures an electromagnetic field that is individual for each person (individual frequency pattern) and controls all biochemical processes in the body. This field is read out via so-called "scalar waves", which are neither known nor ever proven in physics .
No evidence has yet been provided for the normal or pathological frequency patterns claimed by the advocates of bioresonance therapy. There are also no physical and biological bases for a "deletion" of such frequency patterns in the body scientifically proven, as is assumed by the representatives of bioresonance therapy. The manufacturers of these devices confirm on the relevant websites that there is no scientific proof of the functionality of their devices.
There is no proof of effectiveness, in the literature the process is also referred to as pseudoscience , and it also leads “patients astray”. Also Stiftung Warentest came in the early 90s to the conclusion that Bioresonanztherapie "are considered speculative and misleading the patients' needs. As a result, the procedure can be harmful to the patient's health.
A large number of scientific studies have shown that bioresonance therapy is not effective for treating allergies in children.
The bioresonance devices (e.g. Bioscan-SWA or Vieva Vital-Analyzer) were examined on the basis of various test subjects and patients; existing diagnoses of sick patients were not recognized. In addition, the devices could not distinguish between living and dead matter (meat loaf, a corpse). Probably only a software generates corresponding health parameters with strong standard deviations. Sports medicine specialist Daniel Pugge showed that no signals are transferred from the device to the PC, and that no data is transferred from the hand electrode to the device. Overall, the aim of the process is to sell as many dietary supplements as possible.
Position of the health insurance companies and private health insurers
Due to the lack of scientific proof of effectiveness of the biophysical treatment concept, the joint federal committee of doctors and health insurance companies has excluded bioresonance therapy from being generally eligible for reimbursement in the statutory health insurance system in Germany. Reimbursement of costs by a health insurance company therefore requires a so-called individual decision by them. Private health insurers , too, largely refuse to cover treatment costs on the grounds that bioresonance therapy is not scientifically recognized. This also applies to a large part of the supplementary tariffs that pay according to the Hufeland directory , in which bioresonance therapy is listed.
In Switzerland, on the other hand, bioresonance therapy is financed by some health insurance companies as part of additional insurance.
- Brunello Wüthrich, PC Frei, A. Bircher, C. Hauser, W. Pichler, P. Schmid-Grendelmeier, F. Spertini, D. Olgiati, U. Müller: Bioresonanz. Diagnostic and therapeutic nonsense . Statement by the specialist commission of the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SGAI) on the bio-resonance and electro-acupuncture devices for the diagnosis and treatment of (supposed) allergies. In: FMH (Ed.): Swiss Medical Journal . tape 87 , no. 2 . EMH Swiss Medical Publishers , January 11, 2006, ISSN 0036-7486 , p. 50–54 , doi : 10.4414 / saez.2006.11682 ( [PDF; 189 kB ; accessed on June 21, 2019]).
- Dubious bioresonance: How questionable studies can make consumers feel insecure. ( Memento from January 6, 2019 in the Internet Archive ) Report Munich , Bayerischer Rundfunk , January 2018
- Dubious bioresonance , controversial , Bayerischer Rundfunk, October 2018
- Rip off with bioscanners in the pharmacy. Plus minus - ARD | The first, June 19, 2019, accessed June 21, 2019 .
Web links
- Bioresonance therapy: incorrectly polarized vibrations . Southgerman newspaper
- Scientology and bioresonance therapy (PDF; 21 kB) Aktion Bildungsinformation e. V.
Individual evidence
- ↑ Insight Instruments: Biofeedback and Bioresonance. April 26, 2016. Retrieved September 20, 2017 .
- ↑ Geuter, U., 2004, body psychotherapy and experience: on the history, scientific foundation and recognition of a psychotherapeutic method
- ↑ JD Haines: The king of quacks: Albert Abrams, MD In: Skeptical Inquirer . May 2002 (English): "one of the greatest quacks of all time was Albert Abrams, MD Abrams earned the dubious distinction of" the dean of twentieth century charlatans "by the American Medical Association"
- ↑ a b Bernd Kerschner: Bioscan, Vieva Vital Analyzer & Co: useless for diagnosis. In: Medicine transparent . April 30, 2020, accessed July 7, 2020 .
- ^ E. Ernst: Bioresonance, a study of pseudo-scientific language . In: Research in Complementary and Natural Classical Medicine . tape 11 , no. 3 , June 2004, ISSN 1424-7364 , p. 171-173 , doi : 10.1159 / 000079446 , PMID 15249751 .
- ↑ Holm Gero Hümmler: Relative quantum quark: Can modern physics prove the esoteric? Springer-Verlag, 2017, ISBN 978-3-662-53829-6 , pp. 195 ( digitized version [accessed October 14, 2018]).
- ↑ B. Wüthrich, P. Frei, A. Bircher, C. Hauser, W. Pichler: Bioresonance - diagnostic and therapeutic nonsense . In: Current Dermatology . tape 40 , no. 07 , July 3, 2014, ISSN 0340-2541 , p. 283–287 , doi : 10.1055 / s-0034-1367626 ( [accessed October 14, 2018]).
- ↑ "Relapse into the Middle Ages" . In: Spiegel Online . tape 21 , May 19, 1997, p. 22–32 ( [PDF; accessed November 8, 2019]).
- ↑ O. Berggold: The so-called drug test in electro acupuncture. In: Journal of General Medicine , 1976, 52, p. 312
- ↑ H. Bresser: Allergy testing with electro acupuncture according to Voll. In: Der Hautarzt , 1993, 44, p. 408
- ↑ M. Hörner: Bioresonance: claim of a method and result of a technical review. In: Allergologie , 1995, 18, p. 302
- ↑ H. Kofler: Bioresonance in Pollinosis. A comparative study of the diagnostic and therapeutic value. In: Allergologie , 1996, 19, p. 114
- ↑ B. Niggemann: Unconventional methods in allergology. Controversy or Alternative? , Allergologie 2002,25, p. 34
- ^ MH Schöni: Efficacy trial of bioresonance in children with atopic dermatitis. In: Arch. Allergy Immunol. , 1997, Mar, 112 (3), pp. 238-246
- ↑ Gerhard Schultze-Werninghaus : Paramedical procedures: Bio-resonance diagnosis and therapy . In: Allergo J. , 1993, 2, pp. 40-42
- ^ F. Wandtke: Bioresonance allergy test versus pricktest and RAST. In: Allergologie , 1993, 16, p. 144
- ^ A. Wille: Bioresonance therapy (biophysical information therapy) in stuttering children. In: Forschungsende Komplementärmedizin , February 6, 1999, Suppl 1, pp. 50–52
- ↑ B. Wüthrich: unproven techniques in allergy diagnosis. In: J. Invest. Clin. Immunol. , 2005, 15, pp. 86-90
- ↑ a b Walter Dorsch, Andreas Kolt: Simple test procedures for checking the informative value of bioresonance-based medical findings - the Leberkäse test . In: Allergo Journal . tape 28 , no. 4 , June 1, 2019, p. 22-30 , doi : 10.1007 / s15007-019-1859-0 .
- ↑ Ulrich Hagmann: The rip-off with quantum medicine and bioresonance: pseudoscience versus patient welfare . Ed .: Bayerischer Rundfunk. February 26, 2019 ( [accessed August 25, 2019]).
- ↑ Dubious bioresonance - How consumers can be made insecure with questionable studies | report Munich blog. January 16, 2018, accessed on August 25, 2019 (German).
- ^ Opinion of the specialist commission of the Swiss Society for Allergology and Immunology (SGAI) on the bio-resonance and electro-acupuncture devices for the diagnosis and treatment of (supposed) allergies. (PDF) In: Schweizerische Ärztezeitung , 2006, 87, p. 2. Retrieved on June 7, 2012 .