Blue Congo Cichlid

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Blue Congo Cichlid
Order : Cichliformes
Family : Cichlids (Cichlidae)
Subfamily : Pseudocrenilabrinae
Tribe : Chromidotilapiini
Genre : Nanochromis
Type : Blue Congo Cichlid
Scientific name
Nanochromis parilus
Roberts & Stewart , 1976

The blue congocichlid ( Nanochromis parilus ) is a small cichlid from western central Africa .

distribution and habitat

The fish is found in the waters of the Congo in Central Africa and there especially in the area around Pool Malebo . It settles at the edge of the river with little current and a sandy or muddy bottom. It feeds primarily on insects, their larvae and other microorganisms that are captured in open water or searched for in the ground.

The species is relatively common and is classified as “not endangered” (LC) on the IUCN's “Red List of Endangered Species” .


Like all species of the genus, the blue Congo cichlid is very slender with a slightly high back cross-section. The body length of the males reaches up to nine centimeters, the females remain significantly smaller. The dorsal fin is set on long, in the males the fin rays in the dorsal and anal fin and the pelvic fins are elongated, which makes the fins look pointed. The basic color of both sexes is turquoise blue in the lower half of the body and turns gray-brown towards the back, with the belly of the females being intensely red-violet in color when they are mature. The dorsal fin has a white and black longitudinal stripe on the upper edge. The upper half of the caudal fin has a pattern of black and yellow longitudinal stripes, and in the males there can be more or less pronounced vertical rows of red dots in the lower half of the fin.

As with many species of this and related genera, the color is not clear. Here, too, there are different location variants with, in some cases, clear differences in the color appearance.


Like all Nanochromis species, the fish is a monogamous hiding breeder . The eggs are laid in caves that are cleaned by both partners together during the courtship ritual . The female then guards the clutch and later the larvae, while the male defends the area around the brood cavity. After the young fish swim free, both partners lead them together for several weeks.

Aquarium keeping

The blue Congo cichlid is probably the most common member of the genus Nanochromis kept in the aquarium, but it is rarely found there compared to South American and East African cichlids. Due to the higher tolerance in relation to the pH value and hardness of the water, maintenance is not as demanding as with the other species of the genus.


Individual evidence

  1. Nanochromis parilus in the endangered Red List species the IUCN ..

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