Blue-green parrot finch

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Blue-green parrot finch
Blue-green parrot finch

Blue-green parrot finch

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Songbirds (passeri)
Family : Fine finches (Estrildidae)
Subfamily : Lonchurinae
Genre : Real Parrot Madines ( Erythrura )
Type : Blue-green parrot finch
Scientific name
Erythrura tricolor
( Vieillot , 1817)

The blue-green parrot finch or Forbes parrot finch ( Erythrura tricolor , Syn . : Amblynura tricolor ) is a species from the finch family . No subspecies are distinguished. Together with the tri-colored parrot finch , it forms a super species .


The blue-green parrot finch reaches a body length of 10 centimeters, making it one of the smallest species within the finch family. The males are cobalt blue on the head and neck as well as on the underside. The top of the body is green, the rump, the upper tail-coverts and the tail feathers are bright red. The female shows a similar color distribution, but is significantly paler than the male. The fledglings are dark green on the top and brownish green on the underside.

The lure is a zit-zit , the warning sound a tzirr , the singing of the male consists of repeatedly repeated high trills.

Distribution and way of life

The distribution area of ​​the blue-green parrot finch extends over Timor and the neighboring smaller islands, north of Australia. The species lives there in bamboo thickets, eucalyptus forests, in bushes in clearings and in palm groves. The altitude distribution extends up to 1,400 m.

Characteristic for the courtship of the blue-green parrot finch is a wild chase by the male. Immediately before copulation, which is preceded by many bows, the male sings loudly trilling. The nest is preferably created in the tops of coconut palms. The clutch consists of four to six eggs that are incubated for 13 to 14 days. The male parent bird is also involved in raising the nestlings.


There are no reliable data as to when the blue-green parrot was first introduced to Europe. Presumably there was a first import into the Netherlands in 1958/1959. In 1989 further imports were made both to Germany and the Netherlands. In the Netherlands, the first breeding succeeded in the same year.


Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Nicolai et al., P. 143.
  2. Nicolai et al., P. 143.