Bledius femoralis

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Bledius femoralis
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Kurzflügler (Staphylinidae)
Subfamily : Oxytelinae
Genre : Bledius
Type : Bledius femoralis
Scientific name
Bledius femoralis
( Gyllenhaal , 1827)

Bledius femoralis is a beetle from the family of the short-winged (Staphylinidae).


The beetles reach a body length of 3 to 3.5 millimeters. Their body is black, the wings are red or chestnut brown, rarely black. The antennae are black-brown, the legs are brown-red. The legs ( femora ) are somewhat darker at the base.

Occurrence and way of life

The species occurs in western and central Europe as well as in southern northern Europe. In England it occurs only locally, but is occasionally common. The animals can be found in sandy and moist areas on the banks of bodies of water as well as in loess pits, in loamy-sandy areas and places without vegetation. Often the species occurs together with other species of the genus, such as the common short-winged flies ( Bledius gallicus ), Bledius opacus, etc. on. The species rarely occurs.



  • A. Horion: Faunistics of the Central European Beetles Volume IX: Staphylinidae 1st part: Micropeplinae to Euaesthetinae, Ph.CW Schmidt publishing house, Neustadt ad Aisch, 1963.
  • Edmund Reitter: Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire. 5 volumes, Stuttgart KG Lutz 1908–1916, digital library volume 134, Directmedia Publishing GmbH, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-898-53534-7