Bledius litoralis

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Bledius litoralis
Order : Beetle (Coleoptera)
Subordination : Polyphaga
Family : Kurzflügler (Staphylinidae)
Subfamily : Oxytelinae
Genre : Bledius
Type : Bledius litoralis
Scientific name
Bledius litoralis
Army , 1839

Bledius litoralis is a beetle from the family of the short-winged species (Staphylinidae).


With a body length of around six millimeters, the beetles are relatively large for species of the genus Bledius . The posterior angle of the pronotum is small and rectangular, with the side in front being visibly flared. The pronotum is matt and shagreened and has a very fine, somewhat recessed center line along it. It is denser on the sides and sparsely structured in the middle. The wings are as long as together wide. They are brown-red in color and usually have a dark scutellar flaw. They are rarely colored completely black. The legs are red-brown in color, the thighs ( femora ) are blackish.

Occurrence and way of life

The species is distributed in the north of the Palearctic and occurs in Europe boreoalpin. In Central Europe they can be found in the entire Alpine and foothills of the Alps, and also in France in Savoy and Dauphiné and the Pyrenees . They colonize the banks of mountain streams and rivers up to heights of around 1500 meters. They live there in loamy-sandy places. The animals are widespread in Central Europe, but only occur locally and rarely.



  • A. Horion: Faunistics of the Central European Beetles Volume IX: Staphylinidae 1st part: Micropeplinae to Euaesthetinae, Ph.CW Schmidt publishing house, Neustadt ad Aisch, 1963.
  • Edmund Reitter: Fauna Germanica - The beetles of the German Empire. 5 volumes, Stuttgart KG Lutz 1908–1916, digital library volume 134, Directmedia Publishing GmbH, Berlin 2006, ISBN 3-898-53534-7