Log cabin church of St. Jeremias

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St. Jeremias cemetery chapel
Start of building: Early 17th century
Style elements : Wooden church
Location: 42 ° 37 '57 "  N , 20 ° 21' 36"  E Coordinates: 42 ° 37 '57 "  N , 20 ° 21' 36"  E
Location: Gorazhdec / Goraždevac
Kosovo , Serbia
Purpose: Serbian Orthodox Chapel
Diocese : Eparchy Raszien-Prizren

The cemetery chapel of St. Jeremiah ( Serbian Црква брвнара Светог Јеремије Crkva Svetog brvnara Jeremije , Albanian  Kisha varrezore e Shën Jeremisë ) is a Serbian Orthodox chapel made of wood in the village Gorazhdec / Gorazdevac in Kosovo . It stands in the cemetery on the eastern edge of the village, which is about six kilometers southeast of Peja . The chapel, built at the beginning of the 17th century, is one of the oldest surviving wooden churches in the Balkans .

It has been protected as a cultural monument since 1958 and is part of the cultural heritage of Kosovo .


The wooden chapel is the oldest sacred building of its kind in Serbia and Kosovo. The royal door of the iconostasis was dated to the late 16th or early 17th century. According to local tradition it was built by the so-called "Srbljaci", a Serbian tribe , which is 1737/38 from the upper reaches of the river Lim coming in Metohija had settled.

In 1926 a new church was built not far, in which some cult objects from the chapel are kept today.

In the village of Gorazhdec / Goraždevac, Serbs are still the largest population group today.


The chapel is small and of very simple construction. It was built from oak , is eight meters long and 3.7 meters wide. An apse with two walls adjoins the nave over the entire width . The deep roof is covered with heavy stone slabs.

The interior is divided into three areas: the narthex , the nave and the apse in which the altar is located. The floor is made of irregular stone slabs, the ceiling of wooden slats.

Restoration work was carried out in 1968.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Lidija Repac: НАЈСТАРИЈА ЦРКВА БРВНАРА на Балкану. In: srbin.info. February 20, 2019, accessed February 1, 2020 (Serbian).
  2. a b c Kisha varrezore e Shën Jeremisë. In: Databaza e Trashëgimisë Kulturore të Kosovës. Retrieved January 29, 2020 (Albanian).
  3. a b c d Црква брвнара Св. Јеремије. In: Споменици културе у Србији. Retrieved February 1, 2020 (Serbian).
  4. ^ Ethnic composition of Kosovo 2011. In: Population statistics of Eastern Europe & former USSR. Retrieved February 1, 2020 (Albanian).