Boaventura de Sousa Santos

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Boaventura de Sousa Santos (2014)

Boaventura de Sousa Santos (born November 15, 1940 in Coimbra , Portugal ) is a Portuguese sociologist. He is Professor Emeritus in the School of Economics at Coimbra University and a Distinguished Legal Scholar at the University of Wisconsin-Madison .


De Sousa Santos graduated from the Law Faculty of Coimbra University in 1963 with a law degree. He then completed a postgraduate course in legal philosophy at the Free University of Berlin . He experienced the situation of the two worlds of the Cold War, which were separated by the Berlin Wall . Two years later he returned to Coimbra and was a brief assistant in the law school. In the late 1960s he moved to the promotion of the Yale University . His doctoral thesis (Right of the Oppressed) , based on the results of field research and the observation of residents of a favela in Rio de Janeiro , is considered a milestone in legal sociology . During his PhD studies at Yale, he came into contact with the political debate in the United States of America . In the context of the civil rights movement , the radicalization of the black movement, the resistance against the Vietnam War and the first student strike in Yale, de Sousa Santos developed into a Marxist . He attended lectures by John Niemeyer Findlay and took part in working groups that read and discussed Das Kapital together .

Scientific career

Boaventura de Sousa Santos receiving an honorary doctorate from the University of Brasília (2012)

In 1973 he was one of the co-founders of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Coimbra, where he developed the subject of sociology . In the mid 1980s he began to take on the role of a researcher for whom the understanding of the world is much broader than that of the Western worldview. He has researched in Brazil , Cape Verde , Macao , Mozambique , South Africa , Colombia , Bolivia , Ecuador and India . He was one of the main initiators of the World Social Forum . The spirit that defines this forum is fundamental to research into anti-hegemonic globalization, but also to promoting the struggle for a global justice of knowledge that underlies its concept of the “epistemologies of the South”.

De Sousa Santos is director of the Centro de Estudos Sociais (CES) of the University of Coimbra and currently heads the project ALICE, Foreign Mirrors, Unexpected Lessons, a project that continues the revival of social emancipation and scientific-social knowledge in the light of the "epistemologies of the South “Should rethink and innovate in order to develop new theoretical and political paradigms of social transformation.

He has published papers on globalization, sociology of law, epistemology, democracy and human rights. His works have been translated into Spanish, English, Italian, French and German. [3]

Its basic concepts include the sociology of absences and emergencies and the ecology of knowledge.

He is also the poet and author of the book Escrita INKZ: antimanifesto para uma arte incapaz (Antimanifesto for an incompetent art).

He participates in the scientific coordination of the following doctoral programs of the Center for Social Studies of the University of Coimbra:

  • Law, Justice and Citizen Status in the 21st Century
  • Democracy in the 21st Century
  • Postcolonialism and Cosmopolitanism

He is editor of the following journals:

  • Saber imaginar o social (How to imagine the social)
  • A sociedade Portuguesa perante os desafios da globalização (The Portuguese society in the face of the challenges of globalization)
  • Reinventar a emancipação social: para novos manifestos ( Reinventing social emancipation: for new political actions)


  • 1987: To Discurso Sobre as Ciências
  • 1988: O Social eo Político na Transição Pós-moderna
  • 1989: Introdução a uma ciência pós-moderna
  • 1990: O Estado ea Sociedade em Portugal (1974–1988) , Porto: Afrontamento.
  • 1993 (Ed.): Portugal: um retrato singular , Porto: Afrontamento.
  • 1994: Pela mão de Alice - o social eo político na pós-modernidade , Postage: Afrontamento.
  • 2000 Para uma concepção pós-moderna do direito. Acrítica da razão indolente: contra o desperdício da experiência , postage: Afrontamento.
  • 2001 (Ed.): Globalização: Fatalidade ou Utopia? , Postage: Afrontamento.
  • 2004: Escrita INKZ , Rio de Janeiro: Aeroplano.
  • 2005: A Universidade do Século XXI: para uma reforma democrática e emancipatória da Universidade . 2.ed. São Paulo: Cortez Editora, 2005. (Coleção questões de nossa época; v.120).
  • 2005: O Forum Social Mundial: manual de uso . São Paulo: Cortez Editora.
  • 2006: Viagem ao centro da pele . Rio de Janeiro: Revista Confraria do Vento
  • 2006: A gramática do tempo: para uma nova cultura política , S. Paulo, Porto: Cortez Ed., Afrontamento.
  • 2006: The Heterogeneous State and Legal Pluralism in Mozambique , Law & Society Review , 40, 1: 39–75.
  • 2007: La Reinvención del Estado y el Estado Plurinacional . Cochabamba: Alianza Internacional CENDA-CEJIS-CEDIB, Bolívia
  • 2007: El derecho y la globalización desde abajo . With Rodriguez Garavito, César A. (Ed.), México: Anthropos.
  • Cognitive Justice in a Global World: Prudent Knowledge for a Decent Life (Ed.). Lanham: Lexington,
  • 2007: Para uma revolução democrática da justiça . São Paulo: Cortez Editora
  • 2008 Conocer desde el Sur: Para una cultura política emancipatoria . La Paz: Plural Editores.
  • 2008: Diritto ed emancipazione sociale . Troina: Città Aperta Edizioni
  • 2008: As Vozes do Mundo (ed.). Postage: Edições Afrontamento.
  • A universidade no século XXI. Para uma universidade nova (with Naomar de Almeida Filho ). Coimbra: Edições Almedina, 2008.
  • 2009: Epistemologias do sul . With Maria Paula (Ed.) Coimbra: Edições Almedina.
  • 2009: Sociología Jurídica crítica: Para un nuevo sentido común del derecho . Madrid: Trotta.

Web links

Commons : Boaventura de Sousa Santos  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. McGill Law Journal . (French); accessed on December 27, 2018
  2. ^ Boaventura de Sousa Santos: The Rise of the Global Left: The World Social Forum and Beyond . Zed Books, London, United Kingdom 2006, ISBN 1842778013 .
  3. Boaventura de Sousa Santos: The World Social Forum: A User's Manual . 2004.
  4. Boaventura de Sousa Santos: The World Social Forum: A User's Manual . 2004.
  5. Coleção Saber imaginar o social .
  6. Coleção A sociedade Portuguesa perante os Desafios since globalização
  7. ^ Coleção Reinventar a emancipação social: para novos manifestos
  8. ^ Viagem ao centro da pele. Poemas.