Bonne Nuit Papa

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Original title Bonne Nuit Papa
Country of production Germany
original language German , Khmer
Publishing year 2014
length 100 minutes
Age rating FSK 6
Director Marina Kem
script Marina Kem (concept)
production Stefan Heinen ,
Oliver Neis ,
Marina Kem
music Eckart Gadow
camera Notker Mahr
cut Steven Wilhelm

Bonne Nuit Papa is a German documentary film directed by Marina Kem . The film is a co-production with NDR / Arte and was funded by the Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein Film Fund , the Board of Trustees for Young German Film and the MFG Film Funding . The premiere was at the Nordic Film Days Lübeck on October 30, 2014. The cinema release was on January 29, 2015.


Dr. Ottara Kem had never spoken about his Cambodian origins. He responded to questions with silence. His daughters had only a vague and speculated idea of ​​his past. But what kind of silence was that? A helpless one? An ignoring one? A protective silence or a stunned silence? Without words, every look, every frown, wink or smile becomes more important. How can something not said still shape a person? How can a culture that is not lived still be passed on?

He came to the GDR to study in 1965 and stayed there. Only on his deathbed did he talk about his home and family. He wishes to be buried in his homeland.

The daughter and author traces the life of her father. It lets contemporary witnesses, letters and photos speak for him. In doing so, she gets deeper and deeper into the history of the ideological wars of the last 50 years and learns how these have affected individual fate. But she also gets to know her second, previously unknown origin and culture. In search of her father's life, she finds a new family.


The film received the rating of "particularly valuable" from the German Film and Media Assessment (FBW) . The statement of the jury stated that the director had “succeeded in creating a touching portrait of her father and the times, which is as comprehensive as possible despite all inevitable omissions”. In doing so, she achieves “a general human dimension that goes beyond the personal and gives the film its quality”. The film-dienst said that "the continuous inner monologue" underlines "the very personal approach of the filmmaker". Manfred Riepe from epd Film judged that Marina Kem "with her sensitive exploration of a broken biography [...] spans a fascinating arc between West and East and between two dictatorships". The film is "a small cinematic jewel".


Bonne Nuit Papa won the 2015 audience award at the “Der Neue Heimatfilm” festival in Freistadt , Upper Austria .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Certificate of release for Bonne Nuit Papa . Voluntary self-regulation of the film industry , October 2014 (PDF; test number: 147 733 K).
  2. Press release from the Hamburg Schleswig-Holstein Film Fund
  3. Release Info. Internet Movie Database , accessed January 20, 2015 .
  4. a b Bonne Nuit Papa. film-dienst , 2/2015, accessed on January 20, 2015 .
  5. Bonne Nuit Papa. German Film and Media Assessment (FBW) , accessed on January 20, 2015 (jury statement).
  6. Bonne Nuit Papa. epd film , accessed April 17, 2015 .
  7. Press release of the 28th festival DER NEUE HEIMATFILM. Heimatfilmfestival , accessed on May 10, 2016 .