Boris Kossoy

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Boris Kossoy (* 1941 in São Paulo , Brazil ) is a Brazilian star photographer and photography historian of international renown. His research focus is on photography research in Brazil and all of Latin America . He has been the most important interpreter of Brazilian photography since the 1970s.


Even as a teenager he was interested in photography. From 1965 he studied architecture at the Mackenzie University ( Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie ) in São Paulo. In 1968, during the time of the military dictatorship in Brazil, he founded his photo studio "Estudio Ampliart", which still exists today. From 1973 he took up a second degree in humanities at the Escola Sociologia e Politica in São Paulo. He received his doctorate in 1979. Then began an extensive career as a cultural functionary of the cultural secretariat of the city of São Paulo, especially as a representative of photography. He was director of the Museu da Imagem e do Som de São Paulo from 1980 to 1983. He later worked as a lecturer at universities, since 2000 at the Escola de Comunicações e Artes of the Universidade de São Paulo . In 2002 he was officially authorized to teach and became an associate professor.

In 1971 his first independent book was published, Viagem pelo fantástico . In addition to his illustrated books, Kossoy published works on the history of photography about the Swiss-Brazilian photographer Guilherme Gaensly , born Wilhelm Gänsli (1843–1928), an encyclopedia of photographers and studios in Brazil for the period 1833–1910, and a biography of the photography pioneer Hercule Florence , which appeared 38 years after the first publication in German translation in 2015 in Vienna.

His photographic works hang in permanent exhibitions at the Museum of Modern Art in New York , the George Eastman House in Rochester and can also be found in Paris , Mexico City and his hometown in the Pinacoteca do Estado de São Paulo .

In 2015, the first exhibition of his works in German-speaking countries took place in Basel.

Awards (selection)

Works (selection, photo books)

  • Viagem pelo fantástico. Kosmos, São Paulo 1971.
  • Hercule Florence. A descoberta isolada da fotografia no Brasil. Faculdade de Comunicação Social Anhembi, São Paulo 1977 (last 3rd edition, EDUSP, São Paulo 2006, ISBN 85-314-0944-6 ).
    • German edition: Hercule Florence. The independent discovery of photography in Brazil. (= Brazil. History, culture, art. Volume 3). LIT, Vienna 2015, ISBN 978-3-643-90680-9 .
  • Origens e expansão da fotografia no Brasil: Século XIX. Funarte, Rio de Janeiro 1980.
  • Álbum de photographias do Estado de São Paulo 1892. Estudo crítico. Kosmos / CBPO, São Paulo 1984.
  • São Paulo, 1910. Imagens de Guilherme Gaensly. Kosmos / CBPO, São Paulo, 1988.
  • Fotografia e história. Ática, São Paulo 1989 (last 5th, expanded edition, Ateliê Editorial, São Paulo 2014, ISBN 85-7480-060-0 ).
  • Realidades e ficções na trama fotográfica. Ateliê Editorial, São Paulo 1999, ISBN 85-85851-80-5 (4th, expanded edition)
  • Dicionário histórico-fotográfico brasileiro. Fotógrafos e ofício da fotografia no Brasil (1833–1910). IMS, Instituto Moreira Salles, São Paulo 2002, ISBN 85-86707-07-4 .
  • Os tempos da fotografia. O efêmero eo perpétuo. Atelier Editorial, São Paulo 2007, ISBN 978-85-7480-336-4 .
  • Boris Kossoy, fotógrafo. Cosac Naify, São Paulo 2010, ISBN 978-85-7503-884-0 .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Book information and preview at LIT Verlag.
  2. Boris Kossoy - IMAGO - 50 years of photography. Brasilea Foundation , September 10 - October 29, 2015.