Botryobasidium ampullatum

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Botryobasidium ampullatum
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Chanterelles (Cantharellales)
Family : Grape basidia relatives (Botryobasidiaceae)
Genre : Grape basidia ( botryobasidium )
Type : Botryobasidium ampullatum
Scientific name
Botryobasidium ampullatum
Gilbertson & Hemmes

Botryobasidium ampullatum is a mushroom species from the family of grape basidia relatives (Botryobasidiaceae). It forms resupinate, cobweb-like fruiting bodies thatgrowon tree ferns of the genus Cibotium . The known distribution area of Botryobasidium ampullatum exclusively includes Hawaii .


Macroscopic features

Botryobasidium ampullatum has white to cream-colored, flour carpet-like and thin fruiting bodies that grow resupinate (i.e. completely adjacent) on their substrate and appear slightly downy under a magnifying glass. The edge is sharply defined and obviously fertile.

Microscopic features

As with all grape basidia , the hyphae structure of Botryobasidium ampullatum is monomitic, i.e. it consists exclusively of generative hyphae that branch out at right angles. Basal hyphae as such are not present, the lowest hyphae are thick-walled, 2–4.5 µm thick and have buckles . The up to 10 µm thick hyaline hyphae on the surface of the fruit layer are hyaline and grow in clusters. They are partly septate, partly buckled. The two-bite-pore basidia of the species grow in nests on carrier hyphae, are 8–10 × 5–6 µm in size and are almost perfectly cylindrical. The spores are narrow sausage to almost crescent-shaped and mostly 5–7 × 1–1.5 µm in size. They are hyaline, smooth, and thin-walled.


The known distribution of Botryobasidium ampullatum only includes the type locality around Hilo on the Hawaiian main island .


Botryobasidium ampullatum is a saprobiont that grows on old leaf stalks of tree ferns of the genus Cibotium endemic to Hawaii . So far it has always been found on volcanic slag fields.


  • Robert Lee Gilbertson, Don Evan Hemmes: Notes on fungi on Hawaiian tree ferns. In: Mycotaxon 62, 1997. pp. 465-487.