Botryobasidium bondarcevii

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Botryobasidium bondarcevii
Class : Agaricomycetes
Subclass : insecure position (incertae sedis)
Order : Chanterelles (Cantharellales)
Family : Grape basidia relatives (Botryobasidiaceae)
Genre : Grape basidia ( botryobasidium )
Type : Botryobasidium bondarcevii
Scientific name
Botryobasidium bondarcevii
( Parmasto ) Langer

Botryobasidium bondarcevii is a mushroom species from the family of grape basidia relatives (Botryobasidiaceae). It forms resupinate, cobweb-like fruiting bodies thatgrowon the dead wood of conifers . The distribution area of Botryobasidium bondarcevii includes the Russian Primorye region .


Macroscopic features

Botryobasidium bondarcevii has greyish-yellowish, spun to flour carpet-like and thin fruiting bodies that grow resupinate (i.e. completely adjacent) on their substrate and appear slightly reticulate under the magnifying glass.

Microscopic features

As with all grape basidia , the hyphae structure of Botryobasidium bondarcevii is monomitic, i.e. it consists exclusively of generative hyphae that branch out at right angles. The basal hyphae are hyaline , usually 6–12  µm wide and thick-walled. The subhymenial hyphae are hyaline and thin-walled. All hyphae are simply septate. The species has neither cystids nor buckles . The four-pore basidia of the species grow in nests, are 25–40 × 9–12 µm in size, are initially short clavate, later narrowly clubbed to cylindrical in shape and simply septate at the base. The spores are egg to pear-shaped and mostly 7–8.5 × 6–7 µm in size. They are hyaline, smooth and provided with a 2-4 µm long process.


The known distribution of Botryobasidium bondarcevii includes the Russian Primorye region , which is also where its type locality lies.


Botryobasidium bondarcevii is a saprobiont that colonizes dead wood of conifers . A well-known substrate is, for example, the Korean pine ( Pinus koraiensis ).


  • Erast Parmasto: Corticiaceae URSSI Descriptiones taxorum novarum. Combinationes novae. Eesti NSV Teaduste Akadeemia Toimetised , 1965.