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Bougram is a very lightly adjusted fabric made of cotton or viscose .

Bougram is still used today for book spines . It used to be used as an intermediate lining for clothing and for lining curtains .


Schedel's dictionary of goods from 1814 explains:

Bougrams , a French and English linen fabric, or rather a sliding screen [a glued or stiffened canvas ] that is now being made at Alençon , Mans , Caen , Rouen, etc. They are made partly of linen rags and partly of hemp. They are mainly used for lining clothes, not only in the southern regions of Europe, but also in America. The English variety is in pieces of about 70 yards . They are used to feed the laced bodies, to cover the cloths, etc. Like. In France they are traded for a total of dozen coupons, each of 4 bars . "

- Johann Christian Schedel's new and complete general dictionary of goods

Individual evidence

  1. ^ A b Alfons Hofer: Textile and Model Lexicon . 7th edition, Volume 1, Deutscher Fachverlag, Frankfurt am Main 1997, keyword “Bougram”. ISBN 3-87150-518-8 .
  2. ^ Johann Heinrich Moritz Poppe: Johann Christian Schedels new and complete, general wares encyclopedia [...] . First and second part. Fourth completely improved edition, Verlag Carl Ludwig Brede, Offenbach on Mayn 1814. Keywords Bougrams, Schetterleinen.