Boukoki (Niamey)

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Avenue de l'Ader on the border between the districts of Boukoki IV , here on the left, and Boukoki I , here on the right (2018)

Boukoki is a district of Niamey in Niger .


The district is located north of the historic city center of Niamey. Administratively it consists of four quarters: Boukoki I , Boukoki II and Boukoki III in the Arrondissement Niamey II and Boukoki IV in the Arrondissement Niamey III . The four neighborhoods had a total of 50,415 inhabitants at the 2012 census. Boukoki is one of the poorest districts with many local beggars and is one of the most dangerous areas of Niamey in terms of robbery and theft.

The standard scheme for street names in the district is rue BK 1 , where the French rue for street is followed by the abbreviation BK for Boukoki and finally a number. This goes back to a project to name streets in Niamey in 2002, in which the city was divided into 44 zones, each with its own letter abbreviations.


The district emerged in 1946 as a settlement of straw huts for jobseeking immigrants from rural areas who could not afford living space in the city center. The place name Boukoki means "straw huts". Many Hausa immigrants from Ader in central Niger settled here. Fires occurred frequently. In a fire on March 19, 1969, the third of that year, 205 straw huts were destroyed.

In the individual quarters, the straw huts of the early days were finally formed to replace housing developments for immigrants from the interior, who moved to the capital partly because of the poor food situation in the country. The first public primary school, the Ecole primaire de Boukoki I , was founded in 1971. From 1978 to 1988 Boukoki was one of the fastest growing districts of Niamey. With the division of Niamey into five districts in 1979, Boukoki became part of the 2nd district, which in 1989 became part of the 1st district in the sub-municipality Niamey I, which in turn was dissolved in 1996 in its previous form.

Individual evidence

  1. Répertoire National des localites (ReNaLoc). (RAR) Institut National de la Statistique de la République du Niger, July 2014, pp. 715–716 , accessed on August 7, 2015 (French).
  2. ^ Patrick Gilliard: L'extrême pauvreté au Niger. Mendier ou mourir? Karthala, Paris 2005, ISBN 2-84586-629-1 , p. 136 .
  3. Abdouramane Seydou: Délinquance et governance urbaine à Niamey. Institut de Recherche en Sciences Humaines, Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, July 27, 2018, accessed on April 19, 2019 (French).
  4. Catherine Farvacque-Vitkovic, Lucien Godin, Hugues Leroux, Florence Verdet, Roberto Chavez: Street Addressing and the Management of Cities . World Bank, Washington, DC 2005, ISBN 0-8213-5815-4 , pp. 85 and 89 .
  5. Kokou Henri Motcho: Niamey, Garin captan Salma ou l'histoire du peuplement de la ville de Niamey . In: Jérôme Aloko-N'Guessan, Amadou Diallo, Kokou Henri Motcho (eds.): Villes et organization de l'espace en Afrique . Karthala, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-8111-0339-2 , pp. 19 .
  6. Arouna Hamidou Sidikou : Niamey . In: Les Cahiers d'Outre-Mer . No. 111 , September 1975, p. 206 ( [accessed May 5, 2019]).
  7. Jacques Barou: L'émigration dans un village du Niger . In: Cahiers d'Études africaines . Vol. 16, No. 63-64 , 1976, pp. 628 ( [accessed April 20, 2019]).
  8. ^ François Martin: Le Niger du Président Diori. Chronology 1960–1974 . L'Harmattan, Paris 1991, ISBN 2-7384-0952-0 , pp. 236 .
  9. Apollinaire Tini: La gestion des déchets solid ménagers à Niamey au Niger: essai pour une stratégie de gestion durable . Thèse de doctorat. Institut National des Sciences Appliquées de Lyon, Lyon 2003, p. 45 ( [PDF; accessed May 1, 2019]).
  10. Daniel Barreteau, Ali Daouda: Systèmes éducatifs et multilinguisme au Niger. Results scolaires, double flux . Orstom / Université Abdou Moumouni de Niamey, Paris / Niamey 1997, ISBN 2-7099-1365-8 , p. 85 ( [PDF; accessed May 29, 2019]).
  11. Kokou Henri Motcho: Niamey, Garin captan Salma ou l'histoire du peuplement de la ville de Niamey . In: Jérôme Aloko-N'Guessan, Amadou Diallo, Kokou Henri Motcho (eds.): Villes et organization de l'espace en Afrique . Karthala, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-8111-0339-2 , pp. 31 .
  12. Kokou Henri Motcho: Niamey, Garin captan Salma ou l'histoire du peuplement de la ville de Niamey . In: Jérôme Aloko-N'Guessan, Amadou Diallo, Kokou Henri Motcho (eds.): Villes et organization de l'espace en Afrique . Karthala, Paris 2010, ISBN 978-2-8111-0339-2 , pp. 23 .

Coordinates: 13 ° 32 '  N , 2 ° 7'  E