Brandenburg State Main Archive

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Brandenburg State Main Archive

BLHA logo
BLHA logo
Archive type State Archives
Coordinates 52 ° 24 '49.4 "  N , 12 ° 58' 15.5"  E Coordinates: 52 ° 24 '49.4 "  N , 12 ° 58' 15.5"  E
place Potsdam
Visitor address Am Mühlenberg 3, 14476 Potsdam
founding June 21, 1949
ISIL DE-2367 ISIL DE-2367
carrier country Brandenburg

The Brandenburg State Main Archive , BLHA for short , is the central state archive of the State of Brandenburg with its seat in Potsdam .


The main task of the Landeshauptarchiv is to take over the archival material, to record it, to keep it permanently, to secure it, to receive it, to make it accessible, to make it generally usable and to make it available for use and to evaluate it. It advises the agencies that are required to provide information on the administration and safeguarding of documents and performs archival training and advanced training tasks. In addition, it is involved in researching and communicating, in particular, Brandenburg and German history, home and local history.


The BLHA is responsible for the archives of all agencies in the state of Brandenburg, their legal and functional predecessors as well as Reich and federal authorities with exclusive regional responsibility in the area of ​​the state of Brandenburg. This includes the archives of the relevant authorities and institutions in:

By the end of 2019, all holdings and collections were 54,000 linear meters .


The Brandenburg State Main Archive in Potsdam-Golm

The BLHA was founded in 1883 as the “Brandenburgisches Provinzialarchiv” or “State Archive for the Province of Brandenburg and the Reich Capital Berlin” (since 1931). Until then, Brandenburg was the only Prussian province not to have its own state archive, as this function was carried out by the Secret State Archive of Prussian Cultural Heritage in Berlin-Dahlem . After 1945, the safeguarding of the archives and the development of the archiving system in the newly formed state of Brandenburg required the establishment of an archive. By order of the Brandenburg Minister of the Interior on June 21, 1949, the Brandenburg State Archives were founded (from 1951 "Brandenburgisches Landeshauptarchiv", from 1965 to 1991 "Staatsarchiv Potsdam"). Use was discontinued in summer 2015 so that the BLHA could move to the Golm Science Park. It has been used at the new location in Potsdam-Golm since March 1, 2016.


Heads and Directors


See also


  • Publications of the Brandenburg State Main Archives , a series of publications that has been published since 1958
  • Sources, finding aids and inventories of the Brandenburg State Main Archive, series of publications published since 1994
  • Studies on Brandenburg and comparative state history , series of publications published since 2003 by the Brandenburg State Main Archives and the Brandenburg Historical Commission eV
  • Brandenburg Archives. Reports and communications from the archives of the State of Brandenburg , published once a year since 2007 (1993–2004 as "Brandenburg Archives - Communications from the Archives of the State of Brandenburg" published twice a year)

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. holdings. Retrieved May 13, 2020 .
  2. ^ Library of the Brandenburg State Main Archives. Retrieved August 14, 2013 .