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Drawing of the Brandenmühle in 1863 owned by the St. Annen Museum Lübeck

The Brandenmühle is a historic watermill in the rural area of ​​the city of Lübeck . It used to be operated by a damming of the Grienau , which flows into the Trave via the Stecknitz (today: Elbe-Lübeck Canal ) as a tributary . Historically, the Grienau was a border water to the lands of the cathedral chapter of Lübeck Cathedral in neighboring Oberbüssau.

History of the watermill

The mill is one of eleven water mills in the catchment area of ​​the Trave in the Lübeck area in the 19th century and is said to be named after one of its previous tenants. It is on the edge of the Moisling estate on the road from there to Oberbüssau . The mill can be traced back to at least the 15th century, when Lübeck's mayor Johann Lüneburg was the owner and sold it in 1454. The present-day districts of Niendorf and Reecke as well as the residential area of ​​Nienhüsen, whose residents had to have their grain milled here, were compulsory . The ownership of the mill belonged to Gut Niendorf, whose landowners leased the mill. Minor baking, distilling and tapping rights were associated with the lease . The miller also had fishing rights in the Grienau below the mill. The Niendorf estate was acquired by Friedrich Adolph von Heintze in 1802 and remained in his family until the beginning of the 20th century. The mill compulsion was only lifted in the second half of the 19th century as part of the freedom of trade . The mill was electrified in 1950 and later discontinued. Today the (converted) mill and residential house, the wheel chair as a warehouse for the former waterwheel and the weir to dam the Grienau are still preserved.

The windmill

In 1784, when the miller Friedrich Unverhau took over the water mill, he was also allowed to have a windmill at his own expense. He built this about 100 meters west of the road on a hill. It no longer exists today.


  • Antjekathrin Graßmann : Lübeck Lexicon. Lübeck 2006. ISBN 3-7950-7777-X .
  • Werner Neugebauer: Nice Holstein. Lübeck 1957, p. 91.
  • Hubertus Neuschäffer: manor houses and mansions in and around Lübeck. Neumünster 1988. ISBN 3-529-02691-3 .
  • Rudolf MG Thormann: Mills around Lübeck. Water and windmills from the 13th to the 19th century. Lübeck 1993, pp. 111-113. ISBN 3-7950-1207-4 .

Single receipts

  1. ^ Lübeck-Lexikon: Mills.
  2. Werner Neugebauer: Beautiful Holstein. Lübeck 1957, p. 91.
  3. ^ Emil Ferdinand Fehling : Lübeck Council Line. Lübeck 1925, No. 511.

Coordinates: 53 ° 49 ′ 45 "  N , 10 ° 37 ′ 18.8"  E