Brasilia tapaculo

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Brasilia tapaculo
Scitalopus novacapitalis - Brasilia Tapaculo.JPG

Brasilia tapaculo ( Scytalopus novacapitalis )

Order : Passerines (Passeriformes)
Subordination : Screeching Birds (Tyranni)
Family : Rumpets (Rhinocryptidae)
Subfamily : Scytalopodinae
Genre : Scytalopus
Type : Brasilia tapaculo
Scientific name
Scytalopus novacapitalis
Sick , 1958

The Brasilia-Tapaculo ( Scytalopus novacapitalis ) is a species of bird in the family of Tapaculo .


The Brasilia tapaculo was discovered in 1957 and described by Helmut Sick in 1958 . Originally it was considered a subspecies of the white breasted tapaculo ( Scytalopus indigoticus ), but has been a separate species since 1960. Its size is about 11 cm and its weight 19 g. The plumage is dark gray on the underside and whitish on the upper side with a dull gray throat and chest and reddish brown thighs and flanks. The color of the legs is yellow-pink.

Occurrence and habitat

The occurrence of Brasilia-Tapaculo is limited to 6 locations in the area of Brasília in the Distrito Federal do Brasil as well as in Minas Gerais and Goiás . It has become quite rare in many areas due to fire, drainage of wetlands and pasture land reclamation and is therefore on the IUCN's warning list ( near threatened ). In the Serra da Canastra National Park in western Minas Gerais, however, there is a well-protected population, so it is not yet seriously endangered. Its habitat are swampy gallery forests and cerrados at altitudes of 1,000 to 1,200 meters. It prefers to move through the damp undergrowth and is therefore difficult to observe. He is also a clumsy aviator.


The tapaculo's diet consists entirely of insects .

Web links

Commons : Brasilia-Tapaculo  - Collection of images, videos and audio files