Brazilian big-eared bat

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Brazilian big-eared bat
Micronycteris megalotis.jpeg

Brazilian big-eared bat ( Micronycteris megalotis )

Order : Bats (chiroptera)
Superfamily : Hare's mouths (Noctilionoidea)
Family : Leaf noses (Phyllostomidae)
Subfamily : Lance noses (Phyllostominae)
Genre : Micronycteris
Type : Brazilian big-eared bat
Scientific name
Micronycteris megalotis
( Gray , 1842)

The Brazilian big- eared bat ( Micronycteris megalotis ) is a bat species from the leaf-nosed family (Phyllostomidae) which is native to Central and South America.

The Greek genus name Micronycteris means "small bat", the Latin species name megalotis refers to the large ears.


Micronycteris megalotis is a small bat with large ears and a short, pointed nosepiece , which is typical of the leaf-nose family . The fur is brown, with the base of the approximately 10 mm long hair being white. The thumb is long and half embedded in the skin . The wings themselves are relatively short and wide, which makes this species an agile flyer. The feet are long and slender with a relatively long calcar that supports the taut skin of the tail. The tail is short and only the tip protrudes from the tail membrane. The total length of Micronycteris megalotis is 55–65 mm, the forearm length 32–38 mm and the weight 3.4–9.1 g. Like its sister species M. hirsuta and M. minuta, the ears of Micronycteris megalotis are connected by a narrow band. Micronycteris megalotis is smaller than M. hirsuta (forearm length <38 mm compared to> 40 mm). In contrast to Micronycteris megalotis, M. minuta has a white belly, the calcar is shorter than the foot and the ligament between the ears has a deep notch. Also M. schmidtorum has a notched belt between the ears and a white belly. The belly of Micronycteris megalotis is brown, the calcar is longer than the foot and the ligament between the ears is only slightly indented. Other species of the genus Micronycteris do not have a band between the ears and should therefore not be confused with Micronycteris megalotis .

Way of life

The Brazilian big-eared bat is widespread and occurs in different habitats. Like most bats, the species is nocturnal and feeds on insects and other arthropods. Flying prey is rarely caught, but the arthropods are picked up from the leaf surface. It is known that Micronycteris megalotis can even ingest poisonous butterflies of the Parides genus from the knight butterfly family . In Costa Rica, 70% of the diet at the end of the rainy season and 30% during the dry season is made up of beetles . Butterflies make up to 40% of the diet. According to reports, Micronycteris megalotis also occasionally eats fruit from ant trees ( Cecropia ), figs , bananas , cherry myrtle ( Eugenia ), guava ( Psidium guajava ), and nightshade plants such as Solanum paniculatum . During the day, Micronycteris megalotis hangs in hollow trees and logs, in small caves and crevices, in abandoned buildings, under bridges and in tunnels. The hanging place they can be mixed with other bat species such as tailed tailless bat , the Seba's short-tailed bat ( Carollia perspiciallata ) Carollia subrufa , Chiroderma trinitatum , the commons vampire ( Desmodus rotundus ), the white-winged vampire bat ( Diaemus youngi ) Glossophaga longirostris , Glossophaga soricina , micronycteris minuta , the black mouse- eared mouse ( Myotis nigricans ), Natalus tumidirostris , Peropteryx kappleri , the great lance-nose ( Phyllostomus hastatus ), Pteronotus parnellii , the saxe-winged bat ( Saccopteryx bilineata ) and the fringed- lipped bat ( Trachops cirrhos ). Usually the animals hang together with up to 25 conspecifics in a group.

distribution and habitat

The Brazilian big-eared bat occurs from Colombia to Brazil and northern Argentina . The IUCN has assessed the species as not endangered thanks to its wide distribution and occurrence in protected areas.



  1. Micronycteris megalotis in the IUCN Red List of Threatened Species .