Locher Brewery

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Brewery Locher AG

legal form Corporation
founding 1810 (first mention of the brewery called "Bierstatt", taken over by Johann Christoph Locher in 1886, converted into a stock corporation in 1963)
Seat Appenzell , Switzerland
management Raphael Locher
Karl Locher
Hans Sonderegger
Number of employees 90 (January 1, 2011)
Branch brewery
Website www.appenzellerbier.ch

The Locher AG brewery based in Appenzell ( Switzerland ) is known as the producer of Appenzell beer .


Truck with beer tank trailer in front of the brewery

The Locher Brewery is a traditional family business in Appenzell . In 1886 the Locher family took over the brewery in Appenzell. Since the mid-1990s, it has developed from a locally active brewery to a brewery for specialty beers that is well known throughout Switzerland (and beyond) . Brauerei Locher produced the first brewery in Switzerland a beer with the Bud label of Bio Suisse Certified a quality award ( "Appenzell natural pearl"). Thanks to this policy, beer output increased fivefold between 1997 and 2007 to more than 80,000 hectoliters. In the 2010/2011 brewing year, beer output was over 140,000 hectoliters.


The company sets itself apart from the competition by specializing in a variety of different beers. The production is very flexible, which means that new and creative products can be made. The company is characterized by being close to its customers. The production process is ecologically structured.




The current range of beers includes more than a dozen types: "Quöllfrisch naturtrüb", "Naturperle", "Hemp blossom", wheat beer , "Brandlöscher", "Full moon beer" (only brewed on full moon nights ), "Leermond beer" (alcohol-free) , «Wooden barrel beer», Flauder Panaché , «Sonnwendlig» (alcohol-free), Légère, Säntis crystal, rice beer (with rice , grown on the Maggia Delta in Ticino), «Black Crystal», light lager, dark lager, “Swiss Mountain ”,“ Castégna ”( chestnut beer),“ Bschorle ”(non-alcoholic beer with pear / apple juice).

"Säntis Malt"


Until 1999 it was forbidden in Switzerland to make high-proof beverages from grain or potatoes. The relevant law was repealed on July 1, 1999. In the same year, the Locher brewery started producing “Appenzeller Säntis Malt” and launched it on the market in 2002. Robust grain from Swiss mountain areas and spring water from the Alpstein are used for production. The whiskey is stored in oak beer barrels and has already received several awards. The four editions Säntis , Sigel , Dreifaltigkeit and Marwees reflect the names of mountain formations in the Alpstein.

Web links

Commons : Brewery Locher  - Collection of pictures, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Key figures ( Memento from October 31, 2013 in the Internet Archive ) Website of the Brauerei Locher AG. Retrieved March 1, 2012.
  2. ^ Brauerei Locher AG, Appenzell: Family business: Brewery: Brauerei Locher AG, Appenzell. Retrieved October 26, 2018 .
  3. ^ Brauerei Locher AG, Appenzell: Family business: Brewery: Brauerei Locher AG, Appenzell. Retrieved October 26, 2018 .
  4. ^ Säntismalt Retrieved February 29, 2012.

Coordinates: 47 ° 19 '51.5 "  N , 9 ° 24' 44.7"  E ; CH1903:  749,178  /  two hundred and forty-four thousand one hundred and nine