Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch

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Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch

Area of ​​Expertise Brunswick history
publishing company see publisher
First edition 1902
Frequency of publication yearly
Editor-in-chief see publisher
editor Braunschweig Historical Society
ISSN (print)
ISSN (online)

The Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch, also known as the Brunsvicensien of the Braunschweig University Library , was published from 1902 to 1995. The successor is the Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte , which has been published since 1996 on behalf of the Braunschweigisches Geschichtsverein .


The Braunschweigische Jahrbuch , which has been published since 1902, is, according to the history association, the "scientific organ for the history of the state of Braunschweig and the region of Southeast Lower Saxony." It is distributed free of charge to all members of the association. It is available in bookshops for other interested parties. The editions from the years 1902 to 2006 are also freely accessible in the digital library of the Technical University of Braunschweig .

Title history

The series was initially published from 1902 to 1916 under the title Yearbook of the History Association for the Duchy of Braunschweig in 14 years. In the years 1917 to 1921 no editions were published, the 15th year appeared in 1922. The title changed from 1923 with the 2nd episode (1 to 10) to yearbook of the Braunschweigischen Geschichtsverein consecutive number 16 to 25. From the 3rd episode onwards (1 to 4 from 1940 to 1943, 26 to 29 in total) was the title Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch and appeared from 1944 with consecutive numbers from 30 to 76. Since 1996, the series has been called the Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte with a consecutive number from 77.

Responsible editor


Brunswick yearbook from 1961.
  • History Society for the Duchy of Braunschweig (ed.): Yearbook of the History Society for the Duchy of Braunschweig . 1st to 15th year (1902–1922) - (no issues in the years 1917–1921).
  • Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein (Ed.): Yearbook of the Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein . 16th to 25th year (1923–1938).
  • Braunschweigische Landesstelle für Heimatforschung und Heimatpflege, Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein (Hrsg.): Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch . Volume 26 to 76 (1940–1995) - (no issues in the years 1944–1948).
  • Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein (Hrsg.): Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch für Landesgeschichte . from year 77 (since 1996).
  • Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein (Hrsg.): Supplements to the Braunschweigischer Jahrbuch . (Published irregularly since 1983, also under the title: Braunschweigisches Jahrbuch / Beihefte ).
  • Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein (ed.): Yearbooks of the Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein . ( - overview of the digitized issues 1-76).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein
  2. ^ Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein (ed.): Yearbooks of the Braunschweigischer Geschichtsverein . ( ).