Broad-spectrum ground tetra

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Broad-spectrum ground tetra
Order : Tetras (Characiformes)
Subordination : Straight tetra (Citharinoidei)
Family : Distichodontidae
Genre : Nannocharax
Type : Broad-spectrum ground tetra
Scientific name
Nannocharax parvus
Pellegrin , 1906

The broad- band bottom tetra ( Nannocharax parvus ) is a freshwater fish from the African tetra family of the Distichodontidae and occurs in West Africa in the catchment areas of the Niger rivers to Ogowe and Chiloango . Possibly the species is synonymous with Nannocharax ansorgii .


The fish are 6 cm long. Your body is elongated and only slightly flattened on the sides. Their color is olive brown with a clear silvery sheen. A wide, dark brown to deep black longitudinal band runs from the tip of the mouth over the eye to the tail. The males are slimmer than the females. Seen from above, the two body ties appear straight in the males, while in the females they look like they are curved. Broad-band bottom tetra are peaceful schooling fish that can be kept in small schools.

There are two subspecies:


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