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height 650  m
location Iceland
Mountains Hvalfjörður volcano (extinct)
Coordinates 64 ° 25 '22 "  N , 21 ° 28' 8"  W Coordinates: 64 ° 25 '22 "  N , 21 ° 28' 8"  W.
Brekkukambur (Iceland)
Type Part of a central volcano (extinct)
rock v. a. Rhyolite
Age of the rock approx. 4 million years
Last eruption about 4 million years ago
First ascent from Hvalfjörður
particularities Traces of a landslide
Brekkukambur left, Þyrill id middle, all right.  Hvalfell

Brekkukambur left, Þyrill id middle, all right. Hvalfell

Template: Infobox Berg / Maintenance / BILD1

The Brekkukambur is a mountain made of volcanic rock in the west of Iceland . It reaches a height of 650 m and is located on the northeast side of the Hvalfjörður fjord near a whaling station .


The light color of the rock on the mountain is striking. This is explained by the fact that, as part of the interior of an eroded central volcano from the Tertiary , the so-called Hvalfjörður volcano, it consists largely of rhyolite .

A large indentation below the summit is evidence of a huge landslide . On the west side of the mountain, water erosion has created an important gorge, the Miðsandsgil .

The mountain has a summit plateau carved by the glaciers of the Ice Age .

To the east of the mountain on Þyrill one encounters the remains of an Ice Age shield volcano.

Hiking on Brekkukambur

You can follow the Miðsandsá river to hike up the mountain.

See also

Web links

Commons : Brekkukambur  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b Ari Trausti Guðmundsson, Pétur Þorleifsson: Íslensk fjöll. Gönguleiðir á 151 tind. Reykjavík (Mál og Menning) 2004, p. 34