Letter to the public prosecutor. A forensic novella.

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The letter to the public prosecutor is the first part of the “Forensic Trilogy” that Janko Ferk has been working on since 2006. The second part is the "Letter to the Judge" and the last the "Letter to F." The book was published in October 2008 by Edition Atelier , the author's in-house publisher, in Vienna. A forensic trilogy appeared in September 2010 . Three novels as a complete work.


K. is a thirty-six-year-old man on pre-trial detention. He is suspected of having committed a serious crime. It depends on the public prosecutor whether or not charges will be brought against K. after the preliminary investigation. The first-person narrator takes a surprising step, he writes a "huge letter" to the prosecutor. With this letter he wants to avert an indictment. The book has a surprising ending and is, overall, a sensitive love story.


The Germanist Neva Šlibar sees the literaryization of the relationship history of Franz Kafka and Felice Bauer in the “Letter to the Public Prosecutor” . ( Fidibus . Fest publication for Janko Ferk . No. 3/4, 2008.)

So far, preprints, reviews and reviews have appeared in the newspapers and magazines Die Presse , Kleine Zeitung , Kurier , Neue Zürcher Zeitung , Salzburger Nachrichten , Wiener Zeitung and ORF and many more
