Brigada de Choque

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The Brigada de Choque (abbreviated Brichoq , German  shock brigade , also "Brigada Intervençã" , German  Intervention Brigade ) was a unit of Forças Armadas de Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) in the fight against the Indonesian invaders, the East Timor occupied from 1975 to 1999 held.

The Brigada de Choque was created in mid-1977 when the FALINTIL changed its strategy to defend itself against the Indonesian invasion . The units of the brigade had no fixed base, but were sent to their respective locations where they carried out surprise attacks on the Indonesian army. The brigade consisted of several companies trained by the former commandant of the Fronteira Norte Sector Sebastião Maria Doutel Sarmento . Sarmento was also the brigade's commander. Before the fall of the base at Matebian in 1978, it was planned to deploy up to 11,000 men in this mobile unit. After the last bases of the resistance had been destroyed, the Brigada Vermelha ( German  Red Brigade ) took over the task of the mobile forces in the resistance.

There were also Brigadas de Choque Femininas which consisted of women and also went into combat missions.

Prominent members

Individual evidence

  1. "Part 5: The History of the Conflict" , (PDF; 564 kB) from the "Chega!" Report of the CAVR (English)
  2. Antero Beneditoda Silva: FRETILIN Popular Education 1973–1978 and its Relevance to Timor-Leste Today , p. 196 , 2011, accessed on August 9, 2019.
  3. Ben Kiernan: Genocide and Resistance in Southeast Asia: Documentation, Denial, and Justice in Cambodia and East Timor. Routledge, 2017, limited preview in Google Book Search.
  4. Teresa Cunha: Depois da Guerra e antes da PazAs Vozes das Mulheres de Timor Leste , 2005 , accessed on August 9, 2019.
  5. a b c Jornal da República : Edition of December 20, 2006 , accessed on March 22, 2018.