Defense Forces of East Timor

The Defense Forces of East Timor ( Portuguese Forças de Defesa de Timor-Leste , tetum Forcas Defensa Timor Lorosae FDTL), since May 2002 " FALINTIL -FDTL (F-FDTL)" consist of land forces and a small navy . An aircraft is used for air surveillance.
According to the constitution , the F-FDTL is responsible for military defense against external attacks. It "guarantees national independence, territorial integrity and the freedom and security of the population against any aggressor or external threat in accordance with the constitution." The F-FDTL is subordinate to the constitutional organs and must not interfere in politics. The East Timorese National Police (PNTL) is responsible for internal security .
However, in the past there have been disputes between F-FDTL and PNTL about the respective responsibility. Thus, the F-FDTL took over police duties in an incident in the subdistrict Atsabe ( district Ermera ) in January 2003. On the other hand, the PNTL has been used several times to secure the border in the west. Since 2009 the F-FDTL has been responsible for the national border again. The handover of responsibility turns out to be difficult.
During the colonial period, the Portuguese formed local auxiliary troops, the Moradores . Today these associations are folkloric groups that appear at celebrations, comparable to the Bavarian mountain riflemen . They are considered to be the traditional origin of the professional Timorese army.
The base of the force with 650 men was recruited on February 1, 2001 from 1,736 fighters of the former FALINTIL guerrilla army. Only a few stayed because of the low pension. The first battalion was formed on June 29, 2001. Most of the members of the unit came from the eastern part of the country Loro Sae . The naval unit was formed in December 2001. The second battalion was founded in 2002 from a base of the first battalion and newly recruited soldiers, mostly under 21 years of age. Since East Timor does not have to fear a threat from an external enemy, there have been some critics regarding the establishment of its own armed forces. They preferred a more well-equipped police force. However, the government decided to join the army in order to be able to counter possible future threats. With independence in May 2002, the Defense Forces took over the designation FALINTIL-FDTL ( F-FDTL ) from the guerrilla army. In July 2002 the F-FDTL took over the responsibility for the easternmost district of the country Lautém . From May 20, 2004 she was responsible for the entire national defense. The foreign troops stayed until mid-2005.
In December 2003, 42 soldiers were dismissed from the service, mostly from the western part of the country Loro Munu , among them the freedom hero Vicente da Conceicão (Comandante Railos). They complained of unfair treatment and poor living conditions.
At the beginning of 2006, 600 of the 1,600 soldiers of the East Timorese Defense Forces deserted in the course of a few weeks in protest against the poor working conditions and promotion regulations. Most of them are former fighters of the FALINTIL rebel group who resisted the Indonesians. At the end of April, 3,000 people protested at a demonstration in Dili organized by the former soldiers. Their spokesmen threatened a new guerrilla war if no improvements were achieved. The riot was the worst since Indonesia's independence , with at least 37 people dead by the end of June. There were also repeated clashes between the rebels, the police and the F-FDTL. Ultimately, Prime Minister Marí Alkatiri had to resign. The previous Foreign Minister, José Ramos-Horta , became the new prime minister . Even before the riots, he had criticized the fact that the troops, because they were without real tasks, could cause problems. He proposed dividing the army into two battalions of 500 men each. One battalion should then be trained for UN peace missions, the second battalion for tasks in the country. On June 16, after a week of negotiations, the rebels agreed to surrender their weapons if international troops would guarantee their safety. In camps near Gleno and Maubisse , the rebels handed over M16 rifles and their other weapons, including Alfredo Reinado, the previous chief of the military police.
In June 2007, the Australian newspaper The Australian reported on East Timor's secret armament plan called "Forças 2020", which was to be financed from future oil revenues. According to the 171-page draft, the navy was to be expanded by 2010 and equipped with corvettes with guided missiles. In addition, a naval landing unit was planned and army helicopters should be purchased. An air force was also planned, the personnel of which was to be trained in Poland . The armed forces should then consist of 3,000 active members. The units already in existence were to be equipped with sniper rifles, anti-tank weapons, heavy machine guns, light patrol vehicles and light attack vehicles. The goal is to secure the East Timorese interests in the oil field in the Timor Sea and to prevent smuggling and illegal fishing. In addition to funding, East Timor's ability to handle the technology has also been questioned. It has been speculated that with these plans East Timor would like to free itself from Australian influence and from a possible Indonesian threat. The Australian Defense Minister Alexander Downer called the armament plans unrealistic.
On June 26, 2007, five years after the country gained independence, Prime Minister Estanislau da Silva presented 720 new uniforms to the F-FDTL in a ceremony. So far, uniforms from Portugal , China and Mozambique have been used. The new uniforms are brown, yellow, black and dark green and are a reflection of the East Timor landscape.
On August 20, 2011 the last FALINTIL fighters were retired. Their former commandant and chief of the Defense Forces, Taur Matan Ruak, followed them on September 2nd.
According to the constitution, the President of East Timor is the commander in chief of the armed forces . He can appoint the commander of the F-FDTL. The Council of Ministers and the National Parliament decide on the financial resources and determine the national security policy. The State Council , an advisory body to the President, can be heard on questions relating to declarations of war and peace treaties under the Constitution. The Supreme Security Council has been advising the President on defense and security issues as well as on filling the positions of commanding officers since 2005. It consists of the President, the Prime Minister, the Defense , Justice , Home Affairs and Foreign Affairs Ministers , the F-FDTL Commander, the PNTL Commander, a National Security Officer and three representatives from the National Parliament. The Ministry of Defense has civilian control over the F-FDTL.
The F-FDTL is divided into two infantry battalions , a marine and support units . The latter include the headquarters of the armed forces, the logistics department, the telecommunications unit and the military police. Every unit has been led by a colonel ( Coronel , in the Navy: Capitão ) since 2010 .
The target strength is 1500 active soldiers and 1500 members of the reserve. In 2005 the number of men was 1,450, but due to the mutiny in 2006 and for normal reasons, it shrank to only 715 in September 2006, but rose again to 1,286 in 2007, according to the International Institute for Strategic Studies . In 2008 the F-FDTL wanted to recruit 600 new soldiers and another 600 in 2009. In August 2008, it had regained its previous troop strength from before the 2006 crisis. In December 2009, 572 new recruits took their oath after their training, on December 16, 2011 645 more men followed, 93 of them officers and 203 non-commissioned officers. Due to its past as an underground army, the F-FDTL can fall back on a large network of informants in the population ( Human Intelligence ).
Military service is voluntary from the age of 18. Women can also become soldiers in East Timor.
Management level
commander | information |
Taur Matan Ruak | 2001-2011 |
Read Anan Timor | since 2011 |

commander | information |
Filomeno Paixão | 2010-2011 |
Falur rate Laek | 2011 - 2018 |
Calisto dos Santos | since 2018 |
The first chief of staff ( Portuguese Chefe do Estado-Maior General das Forças Armadas , CEMGFA) and thus military commander-in-chief of the F-FDTL was Major General Taur Matan Ruak , who was previously the commander of the FALINTIL. Taur Matan Ruak submitted his departure on September 2, 2011, to later run for president . He won the East Timor presidential election in 2012 .
On October 6, 2011, the previous deputy commander and newly promoted major general Lere Anan Timor became the new chief of staff. Coronel Filomeno Paixão , Chief of Staff (CEMFA) since 2010, was appointed Brigadier General and Deputy Commander of the F-FDTL and Falur Rate Laek was appointed as the new Chief of Staff. Capitão Pedro Klamar Fuik became the commander of the Instituto de Defesa Nacional (IDN) in 2012 . Major Mário Batista was Chief of Staff of the Defense Forces Commanders in 2012.
On February 9, 2015 President Taur Matan Ruak announced the dismissal of Lere Anan Timor and his simultaneous honorary promotion to lieutenant general . Filomeno Paixão was to become the new commander in chief, with a simultaneous promotion to major general. Although the Chief of Staff is appointed by the President, the government and parliament have the right to make proposals and they have voted in favor of extending the term of office of Lere Anan Timor. After several weeks of blockade, the solution was published on April 15th that Pedro Klamar Fuik should become the new chief of staff. His deputy should be Calisto dos Santos ( Coliati ). Associated with the offices was a promotion to major general or brigadier general. Lere Anan Timor was to be retired as lieutenant general, Paixão as major general, Falur Rate Laek as brigadier general and three other leading officers. The exact procedure was not certain, especially since according to the statutes, a colonel may not be promoted directly to major general. Lere Anan Timor criticized the plan with which the generation of guerrillas would leave the leadership of the armed forces. On December 3, 2016, Lere Anan Timor announced that the transfer of command to Capitão Pedro Klamar Fuik, Colonel Calisto dos Santos and Frigate Captain Higino da Neves was now being prepared. However, it did not take place within the term of office of President Taur Matan Ruak until May 20, 2017. In October 2015, the government recommended extending the terms of office of Lere Anan Timor and Filomeno Paixão. This gave Lere Anan Timor, Paixão and Falur Rate Laek a third term of office that was not actually provided for under current law. After taking office in the VII government , President Francisco Guterres followed Prime Minister Alkatiri's proposal and extended the term of office of the existing FDTL leadership for another year on October 5, 2017, which meant another change to the military law.
On June 7, 2018, Falur Rate Laek Américo Ximenes (Sabika Bessi Kulit) Cornélio Ximenes and João Miranda (Aluc Descartes) were promoted to brigade generals. Filomeno Paixão submitted his resignation to become Minister of Defense in the Eighth Constitutional Government . Falur Rate Laek was appointed Deputy Commander in Chief of the F-FDTL on October 1.
commander | information |
Coronel Falur Rate Laek | from January 14, 2009 |
Lieutenant Colonel Marcelino Ximenes "Rizai" | As of 2016, until 2019 |
Lieutenant Colonel Renilde Corte-Real da Silva | from July 15, 2019 |
The land forces originally consisted of two light infantry battalions , each with 600 to 650 members. They were mainly trained by Australians and Portuguese . Each battalion has three combat companies , one support company and one command company. The 1st Battalion was formed from veterans of the guerrilla movement and has its base in Laga ( municipality of Baucau ). The 2nd battalion consists mainly of new recruits and is stationed at the Nicolau Lobato training center near Metinaro . Almost all soldiers of the 2nd Battalion deserted in the course of the unrest of 2006. Logistics and support are at the headquarters of the F-FDTL on Avenida Nicolau Lobato in Dili . In Metinaro, the new headquarters of the F-FDTL is currently being built with Chinese help . The main armament of the East Timorese land forces consists of 1,560 M16A2 rifles and 75 FN Minimi rifles and 50 Colt M1911 pistols . It uses 5.56 mm NATO ammunition, which is easier to remove through surgery because the bullets do not shatter in the victim's body. There are also 75 M203 grenade launchers and eight sniper rifles in use .
photo | commander | information |
Alfredo Alves Reinado | until 2004 | |
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Filomeno Paixão | 2004-2009 |
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Captain Pedro Klamar Fuik | from January 14, 2009 - 2012 |
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João Miranda | |
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Frigate Captain Higino da Neves | |
Frigate Captain Adão de Brito "Jacky" | Status 2014 until 2019 |
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Frigate Captain João da Silva | since 2019 (appointment: July 15; accession: September 11) |
The official founding date of the East Timorese Navy (Armada) is January 12, 2002. One of the navy's main tasks is to curb illegal fishing in the territory of East Timor.
Their base is in Hera , east of Dili. A second base on the south coast is planned. Betano is under discussion as a possible location .
Two speedboats of Albatroz class East Timor received in December 2001 by the Portuguese navy . The two 22 meter long boats were christened NRTL Oecusse (P101) and NRTL Atauro (P102) and stationed in Hera. The officers were trained by Portugal in Metinaro. In 2008 the two boats were overhauled in Indonesia, but in 2019 the two boats were in such poor condition that they had to be put ashore.
The boats NRTL Jaco (P211) and NRTL Betano (P212) were officially christened on June 11th and entered service as the Jaco class . The two patrol boats of the Shanghai III class ( Type 062-I class gunboat ) were bought by the People's Republic of China , can travel faster than 25 knots and have a range of 750 nautical miles. President José Ramos-Horta complained to the government that the boats were not suitable for use in the stormy Timor Sea. 36 Timorese sailors went to China for a three-month training course.
Three more patrol boats were taken over by South Korea in September 2011 . They belong to the South Korean Chamsuri class and were named Kamenassa (P215), Díli and Hera . The Hera and the Dili were given to the Unidade da Polícia Marítima (UPM) in 2012 .
Two boats from the Pacific Patrol Boat Program are due to be delivered from Australia in 2023.
More troops
commander | information |
Colonel Celestino Pinto "Daileba" | As of 2016, until 2019 |
Colonel Césario Ximenes Belo "Haksolok" | from July 15, 2019 |
commander | information |
Colonel Cornélio Ximenes (Maunana) | from January 14, 2009 |
Lieutenant Captain João da Silva | 2013-2016 |
Lieutenant Colonel Benedito Dias Quintas "Punu Fanu" |
2016-2019 |
Lieutenant Armindo Nunes dos Santos | from July 15, 2019 |
In addition to the army and navy, there is the training unit in the training center ( tetum component Sentru Formasaun no Treinu , Portuguese Centro Formacão e Treino CFT) and the support unit ( tetum component Apoiu Servisu , Portuguese component Apoio Serviço CAS).
The military police consists of one company. Under her then commander, Major Alfredo Reinado , she was at the center of the unrest of May 2006. On August 16, 2007, Lieutenant Abel Ximenes was appointed as the new chief of the military police to succeed Alfredo Reinado. The military police had 74 members at the time. In 2016, Lieutenant Colonel Césario Ximenes Belo "Haksolok" was the commandant of the military police and in 2018, Major Abel da Costa Xavier Niky .
The military police have been responsible for the President's security since February 2007, including on the day of the attack on February 11, 2008 , when President José Ramos-Horta was shot down and seriously injured. Two of the assassins were killed and one bodyguard was seriously injured. one of the two assassins killed was the former chief of the military police, Alfredo Reinado.
In 2012, Captain Fredelino Ole from Oe-Cusse Ambeno and Captain Pedro Ximenes Belo from Baucau were the first East Timorese officers to receive a helicopter pilot license . Corresponding aircraft was not purchased. The F-FDTL has had a Cessna 172P since 2018 . The aircraft registration is 4W-FAT . The machine, which has been taken over by the domestic airline Aero Dili , is supposed to monitor the sea area in order to combat illegal fishing.
The Sistema de Informações Militares (SIM) is one of three intelligence services in the country . He is subordinate to the FDTL.
Captain Guido de Oliveira is the chief of the medical service.
- Military base in Laga (1st Battalion)
- Naval base in Hera
- Nicolau Lobato Training Center in Metinaro (2nd Battalion)
- Instituto de Defesa Nacional (IDN)
Cooperation with other nations
In May 2008, East Timor signed a military alliance agreement with the seven other states of the Community of Portuguese- Speaking Countries ( CPLP). Among other things, East Timorese soldiers were to be trained in Brazil and Portugal. The military police have already been trained by Brazil. In addition, soldiers of the F-FDTL from Australia, the USA , Malaysia , Poland , Canada , India and Japan are being supported in their training. The People's Republic of China supplied equipment and uniforms.
In 2012, ten members of the F-FDTL began training as helicopter pilots in the Philippines .
Military spending
The 2008 budget included $ 20.1 million in defense spending. The 2019 state budget planned for $ 21.912 million.
badges and flags
The flag and the coat of arms it contains were originally designed for the FALINTIL in the Ai-Dila-Okir base in what is now the Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão National Park . The CNRT carried a similar flag, but with a slightly different coat of arms and the words "CNRT". The FALINTIL relatively soon adopted this version of the coat of arms for its flag, which is still the flag of the East Timorese Defense Forces today.
Blue symbolizes the island of Timor between sea and sky, the identity of the East Timorese on the spiritual level as a people, with all longings. White stands for the longing for lasting peace, the need for social justice and general tolerance. Green symbolizes East Timor as the country of the farmers, the necessity of progress, but always with consideration for the environment and eternal hope. Yellow, red and black are the traditional colors of the struggle for independence.
The golden star, the real symbol of the War of Independence, rises from the red of the spilled blood. It is the hope of a glorious new day, just as the morning star symbolizes the dawn.
The handles of the two suriks (swords) are divided into four parts, which results in the number eight. Ten goat hairs hang from each handle, making a total of 20. FALINTIL was founded on August 20, 1975.
"Patria Povo" ( German fatherland people ) is the motto of FALINTIL.
The names of the ranks follow those of the former colonial power Portugal. The comparable German names are in brackets.

Major-general ( Major General ), military commander
Brigadeiro ( Brigadier General )
Coronel ( Colonel )
Tenente-Coronel ( Lieutenant Colonel )
Major ( major )
Capitão ( captain )
Tenente ( lieutenant )
Alferes ( lieutenant )
- Aspirante ( officer candidate )
- Sargento-mor ( Sergeant Major )
- Sargento-chefe ( staff sergeant )
- Sargento-ajudante ( Sergeant )
- Primeiro-Sargento ( Oberfeldwebel )
- Segundo-Sargento ( Sergeant )
- Furriel ( staff sergeant )
- Segundo-Furriel ( NCO )
Team ranks
- Cabo-Ajunto ( Hauptgefreiter )
- Primeiro-Cabo ( Corporal )
- Segundo-Cabo ( private )
- Soldado ( soldier )
- Capitão ( captain )
- Capitão de fragata ( frigate captain )
- Capitão de corveta ( Corvette Captain )
- Capitão-tenente ( lieutenant captain )
- Primeiro-tenente (( Ober-) Leutnant zS )
- Segundo-tenente ( lieutenant zS )
- Guarda-marinha / Subtenente (Ensign)
- Aspirante (officer candidate)
- Sargento-mor ( Chief of Staff )
- Sargento-chefe ( officer in charge )
- Sargento-ajudante (chief boatman )
- Primeiro-sargento (chief boatman )
- Segundo-sargento ( boatswain )
- Primeiro-subsargento ( Obermaat )
- Segundo-subsargento ( Maat )
Team ranks
- Cabo (corporal)
- Primeiro-marinheiro (Corporal)
- Segundo-marinheiro (private)
- Grumete (sailor)
See also
Web links
- Instituto de Defesa Nacional (IDN)
- La'o Hamutuk Bulletin: Issue focus: FALINTIL / FDTL, Vol. 6, No. 1-2: April 2005.
- Amnesty International, Briefing to Security Council Members on policing and security in Timor-Leste, March 6, 2003 ( Memento of July 9, 2003 in the Internet Archive )
- Forças 2020 upgrade plan on ETAN ; Accessible on the website of the Ministry of Defense ( memento of September 29, 2007 in the Internet Archive ).
- Loro Horta : “Young and Wild. Timor Leste's troubled military “, Institute of Defense and Strategic Studies, Nanyang Technological University, 2006 ( Memento of October 8, 2006 in the Internet Archive ) (Loro Horta is the son of President Ramos-Horta; PDF file; 688 kB)
- Image of FDTL soldiers in the old uniform
- Image of FDTL soldiers in their new uniform
Individual evidence
- ^ A b c d e f Edward Rees: "Under Pressure - Forças de Defesa de Timor Leste. Three Decades of Defense Force Development in Timor Leste 1975-2004. “Geneva Center for the Democratic Control of Armed Forces, April 2004
- ↑ Amnesty International: Timor Leste: Briefing to Security Council Members on policing and security in Timor-Leste, 2003 ( Memento of September 11, 2014 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Desmond Ball, "The Defense of East Timor: A Recipe For Disaster?" Pacifica Review, pp. 175-189, 3rd Edition, 14th Part, 2002
- ↑ a b c Jane's Sentinel Security Assessment - Southeast Asia , 20th Edition, Coulsdon 2007.
- ↑ Anthony L. Smith: "Constraints and Choices: East Timor as a Foreign Policy Actor" in the New Zealand Journal of Asian Studies, 7th edition, pp. 15–36, 2005. (PDF; 465 kB)
- ^ Asian Pacific Action, Resolving Timor-Leste's crisis ( Memento from July 20, 2007 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ The Australian, June 8, 2007, Mark Dodd: Secret missile plan for East Timor ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as broken. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ↑ June 8, 2007, E Timor military blueprint unrealistic: Downer ( page no longer available , search in web archives ) Info: The link was automatically marked as defective. Please check the link according to the instructions and then remove this notice.
- ^ Yahoo News, August 20, 2011, East Timor disbands pro-independence armed unit
- ↑ Cynthia Burton, Damien Kingsbury, Michael Leach: East Timor: beyond independence. Monash University Press, 2007, ISBN 978-1-876924-49-2 .
- ↑ ETAN, August 16, 2007, F-FDTL to recruit 600 soldiers
- ^ Radio Australia, August 24, 2008, ETimor armed forces young at 33
- ↑ The Diplomat: Timor-Leste's Forgotten Female Rebels , May 16, 2018 , accessed May 17, 2018.
- ↑ The President's Facebook page: PREZIDENTE-da-REPÚBLIKA NOMEIA KORONÉL COLIATI BA XEFE ESTADU-MAIÓR F-FDTL , October 27, 2018 , accessed October 27, 2018.
- ^ Timor Leste army chief resigns ahead of polls. On: Channel News Asia. September 2, 2011.
- ↑ a b SAPO: Pedro Klamar Fuik será novo comandante das forças de Defesa timorenses , April 15, 2016 , accessed on April 17, 2016.
- ↑ UNMIT: List of High State Officials and Senior Civil Servants of Timor-Leste , December 1, 2012 , accessed May 19, 2020.
- ↑ SAPO Notícias: PR timorense exonera chefe das Forças de Defesa, nomeia novo comandante , February 9, 2016 , accessed on February 9, 2016.
- ↑ Timor Hau Nian Doben: LERE LA KONKORDA PR TAUR NIA DESIZAUN , April 19, 2016 , accessed on April 19, 2016.
- ↑ Timor Agora: Estatutu Militar La Fo Dalan Promove Korenel Ba Major General , April 23, 2016 , accessed April 24, 2016.
- ↑ Timor Hau Nian Doben: Jerasaun Foun Na'in Tolu Ne'e Mak Sei Lidera F-FDTL , December 3, 2016 , accessed on December 4, 2016.
- ↑ Timor Agora: Governu rekomenda atu halo renovasaun ba mandatu hosi xefe forsa defeza nian sira , October 13, 2015 , accessed on May 21, 2017.
- ↑ SAPO: September 26, 2017 , September 26, 2017 , accessed on September 26, 2017.
- ↑ Diário de Notícias: PR timorense renova mandato de chefia das forças de defesa de Timor-Leste (F-FDTL) , October 5, 2017 , accessed on October 5, 2017.
- ↑ Presidential Decree 14/2018 of May 30, 2018.
- ↑ Presidential Decree 15/2018 of May 30, 2018.
- ↑ Presidential Decree 16/2018 of May 30, 2018.
- ↑ Presidential Decree 17/2018 of May 30, 2018.
- ↑ SAPO: Líder das Forças de Defesa espera novo ministro da Defesa em julho , June 26, 2018 , accessed on June 27, 2018.
- ↑ The President's Facebook page: Brigadeiru-Jenerál Falur Rate Laek , October 1, 2018 , accessed on October 1, 2018.
- ↑ a b c d Timor Agora: Governu Propoin Falur Rate Laek Kontinua Ba Xefe Estadu-Maior F-FDTL , August 2, 2016 , accessed on July 21, 2017.
- ↑ a b c d e f g Jornal da República: DECRETO DO PRESIDENTE DA REPÚBLICA N. ° 31/2019 , July 15, 2019 , accessed on July 9, 2019.
- ↑ a b International Crisis Group: Resolving Timor-Leste's Crisis, 2006 ( Memento of October 10, 2006 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ Guard's gun didn't kill Alfredo Reinado. ( Memento of the original from September 15, 2012 in the web archive ) Info: The archive link was inserted automatically and has not yet been checked. Please check the original and archive link according to the instructions and then remove this notice. In: The Australian. July 20, 2009.
- ↑ The Falintil's Victory Transformed into Peace and Tolerance ( Memento of 5 December 2016 Internet Archive ), accessed on 4 December 2016th
- ↑ GMN TV: [1] , accessed on January 10, 2020.
- ↑ President's Facebook page: Speech by His Excellency the President of the Republic, Dr. Francisco Guterres Lú Olo at the commemoration of the 17th anniversary of the Naval Component of the FALINTIL-FDTL , accessed January 12, 2019.
- ↑ Stephen Saunders: "Jane's Fighting Ships 2007-2008", Vol. 110, Coulsdon 2007
- ↑ President of East Timor: MAJOR-GENERAL CALLS ON LERE LEADERS TO CONTRIBUTE TO NATIONAL STABILITY , May 15, 2019 , accessed on May 16 of 2019.
- ^ Government of Timor-Leste: Ceremony for the Delivery of New Patrols Vessels, Jaco Class, to the F-FDTL Naval Force
- ^ Tempo Semanal: Chinese navy Trains F-FDTL Navy on Chinese built Patrol Boats
- ^ Independente: F-FDTL demands new boats to police south coast , April 23, 2012
- ^ Government of Timor-Leste: Timor-Leste receives three patrol vessels from the South Korean Government, September 27, 2011
- ^ Diario Nacional: F-FDTL agrees to hand over two boats to PNTL , May 8, 2012.
- ↑ PNTL: Maritima , accessed on May 16, 2018.
- ↑ Delivery of Pacific Patrol Boats for Timor-Leste set for 2023 , April 18, 2018 , accessed April 19, 2018.
- ↑ Alberto Menezes Soares: Kapitaun Fragata, Joao da Silva , December 5, 2019, Suara Timor Loro'sae , accessed January 10, 2020.
- ↑ Hello: Militar la admite lanuten no barukten , December 19, 2016 , accessed on January 11, 2020.
- ^ Fundasaun Mahein , accessed on January 22, 2018.
- ↑ Timor News: Dili aero oferse aviaun ida ba F-FDTL , May 25, 2018 , accessed on May 25, 2018.
- ↑ Jornal da República : Lei do parlamento 02/2010, Artigo 39.º , accessed on May 2, 2017.
- ↑ Tatoli: Komandu F-FDTL Promove Komandante Na'in Ualu Nia Diviza , February 2, 2020 , accessed on April 3, 2020.
- ↑ CWS: Timor-Leste Team Hosts US HIV Education-Prevention Project Donors , January 30, 2017 , accessed April 3, 2020.
- ↑ Herald Sun, May 18, 2008, East Timor signs military pact ( Memento of January 16, 2009 in the Internet Archive )
- ^ Independente: F-FDTL officers follow helicopter training in Philippines , October 17, 2012
- ^ La'o Hamutuk, November 1, 2008, RDTL doubles budget in mid-year
- ↑ La'o Hamutuk: State Budget 2019 , accessed July 11, 2019.
- ^ Government of Timor-Leste: Timor-Leste builds National Park Kay Rala Xanana Gusmão , October 26, 2015 , accessed on November 11, 2015.
- ↑ a b c d Arquivo & Museu da Resistência Timorense : Explicação das cores da bandeira das FALINTIL por Sabalae , around 1994 , accessed on December 9, 2017.
- ^ Ministry of Defense of East Timor: Army ranks ( Memento from October 29, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
- ^ Ministry of Defense of East Timor: Navy ranks ( Memento of August 27, 2008 in the Internet Archive )
- ↑ ( Page no longer available , search in web archives: Decree Law no 18. "Regime of Military Ranks" ) (English)