João Miranda (military)

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João Miranda (2020)

João Miranda (* in Lospalos , Portuguese Timor ), fighting name Aluk Descartes (Aluc Descartes) , is an East Timorese officer.


Miranda joined the Forças Armadas de Libertação Nacional de Timor-Leste (FALINTIL) when Indonesia began covertly occupying the border areas in 1975. After the open invasion of East Timor began on December 7th, Miranda was stationed in the Ponta Leste resistance sector, where he held various leadership positions in the military resistance. Most recently he was regional commander. Under the United Nations interim administration for East Timor (1999-2002), the FALINTIL was transferred to the Defense Forces of East Timor (F-FDTL). Miranda became a soldier of the now independent state. In 2011 Miranda became military advisor to the president and chief of staff (Chefe do Casa Militar) in the presidential office. At the same time, he was promoted to colonel (Coronel). Other posts were the command post of the Navy and military attaché in the East Timorese embassy in Indonesia. In 2018 he was an advisor to Prime Minister Marí Alkatiri . On June 7, 2018, he was promoted to Brigadier General.


Web links

Commons : João Miranda (soldier)  - Collection of images, videos and audio files

Individual evidence

  1. a b c d e Presidential Decree 17/2018 of May 30, 2018.
  2. a b Jornal da República : Edition of December 20, 2006 , accessed on March 23, 2018.
  3. Jornal da República: Decreto do Presidente da República nº 50/2012 de 19 de Maio , accessed on April 29, 2020.