Bruno Kiesewetter

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Bruno Max Kiesewetter (born July 31, 1892 in Berlin ; † March 11, 1968 there ) was a German economist.


Kiesewetter graduated in political science at the Friedrich-Wilhelms University in Berlin and Martin Luther University of Halle-Wittenberg , which he with the promotion of Dr. rer. pole. completed. From 1924 to 1935 he worked as an economic policy advisor at Siemens-Halske-AG in Berlin . In 1931 Kiesewetter joined the NSDAP .

In 1935, Kiesewetter switched to teaching foreign trade at the German University of Politics in Berlin, where he became head of studies. In addition to his teaching activities, Kiesewetter took on tasks for institutions of the NSDAP that corresponded to his economic and political competence. So he supported Henry Hunke in its capacity as Gau Economics Adviser in Gau Greater Berlin and was also the main training Office national leadership of the Nazi Party , the Reich Propaganda Office , Reich Youth Leadership and the Rosenberg office operates.

At the German University of Politics, he was entrusted with the chair of foreign economics at the Faculty of Foreign Sciences (DAWI) , with the condition that he completed his habilitation . After he had fulfilled this requirement in 1943 with a study of costs and prices as economic and political shaping factors of the world economy at the Faculty of Law and Political Science of the University of Kiel , he was appointed associate professor at the Faculty of Foreign Studies . In 1942, Kiesewetter described his view of what constitutes the economy of a people as follows: An economist must "understand the economy from the totality of the people in question as an overall personality" beyond dealing with the "real empirical foundations and the functional-organizational forms".

After the war, Kiesewetter taught as a professor of economics at the Free University of Berlin , where he retired in 1959. He wrote several relevant works on the economy of the so-called Eastern Bloc .


  • The new tasks of the German economy . Junker u. Dünnhaupt, Berlin 1937 (= writings of the German University of Politics; 1, no.26)
  • The economic successes of the first four-year plan . Junker u. Dünnhaupt, Berlin 1938 (= writings of the German University of Politics; 1, no.33)
  • The liquidation of England's world economic standing in the war. German information point, Berlin 1940
  • Foundations and changes in the world economy. A representation of the ideal and functional relationships of global economic exchange relationships . Haude & Spener. Berlin 1944
  • Statistics on the economy of Eastern and Southeastern Europe. A selected compilation of the figures published since 1945 . 5 volumes. Duncker & Humblot, Berlin 1955–1959.
  • The Eastern Bloc. Volume 2. The foreign trade of the eastern economic bloc including China . Safari-Verlag, Berlin 1960


Individual evidence

  1. Birth register StA Berlin V b, No. 1889/1892
  2. Death register of the StA Zehlendorf of Berlin, No. 869/1968
  3. ^ Gideon Botsch: "Political Science" in World War II: the "German Foreign Studies" in action 1940–1945 . Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2006, pp. 252f.
  4. ^ Gideon Botsch: "Political Science" in World War II: the "German Foreign Studies" in action 1940–1945 . Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2006, p. 253.
  5. ^ Gideon Botsch: "Political Science" in World War II: the "German Foreign Studies" in action 1940–1945 . Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2006, p. 252.
  6. ^ Bruno Kiesewetter: The practical economy and foreign studies. In: Nachrichten DAWI, Volume 4, April 1942, pp. 284f. Quoted from Gideon Botsch: "Political Science" in World War II: the "German Foreign Studies" in action 1940–1945 . Ferdinand Schöningh, Paderborn 2006, p. 106.
  7. Kürschner's German Scholar Calendar . De Gruyter Berlin 1966, p. 1156f.