Bruno Schönfeld

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Bruno Schönfeld (born January 19, 1885 in Leipzig , German Empire ; † July 28, 1981 in Koblenz , Germany ) was a German theater actor , theater director and theater director .

Live and act

The autodidact Schönfeld came straight from school in February 1901 to the Meininger Hoftheater . Engagements followed in Frankfurt am Main, Lindau am Bodensee, Bromberg, Magdeburg, Augsburg, Heidelberg, Karlsruhe and numerous other provincial theaters, where Schönfeld also made a name for himself as a reciter . At the beginning of the century, a guest tour also took him to the German-language Irving Place Theater in New York. Already at the beginning of his artistic career, Schönfeld celebrated his greatest successes with heroic roles in plays by Friedrich Schiller . a. as Karl Moor, Fiesco and Marquis Posa, but he was also known as Torquato Tasso and Egmont (both after Goethe), Hamlet and Mark Anton (both after Shakespeare), Uriel Acosta (after Gutzkow) and as Wetter vom Strahl (in Kleist's Das Käthchen from Heilbronn ) occupied. Towards the end of the Weimar Republic, Bruno Schönfeld switched to directing, including at the Bonn City Theater, where he also last appeared as deputy director (1930/31 season).

For the 1931/32 season, Schönfeld was offered to take over the management of the Koblenz theater. From then on, this stage was his main focus. This directorship heralded Schönfeld's most important artistic phase, which, however, was abruptly interrupted by his dismissal and suspension by the Nazis in 1933. In the following season of 1933/34 he found an artistic retreat with the artistic director of the North German Stage in Schleswig. During the Second World War, Bruno Schönfeld was gradually rehabilitated in Berlin: in the early 1940s he was allowed to appear as an actor at the Rose Theater and the Theater der Jugend. He also had his own guest performance director (touring theater). In the last imperial German season before the closure of all German theaters in the late summer of 1944, as ordered by Propaganda Minister Joseph Goebbels , Schönfeld was allowed to direct again at the Theater der Jugend.

Around the end of the war in 1945, Bruno Schönfeld returned home to Koblenz and immediately received his artistic director position at the theater there. As a result of his reinstatement, Schönfeld's favorite place of work included light fare as well as sophisticated cultural assets: “After Franz Arnold and Ernst Bach's staging of 'The Spanish Fly', he devoted himself to the play 'Iphigenie auf Tauris' at the end of November. from the pen of Johann Wolfgang von Goethe. The triad of these pieces quickly gave rise to a lively urban theater culture that the Koblenz audience still appreciates today, ”as the Rhein-Zeitung put it. Even after his retirement, Schönfeld remained connected to his adopted home Koblenz until his death at the age of 96.


  • Heinrich Hagemann (Ed.): Specialized lexicon of the German stage members . Pallas and Hagemanns Bühnen-Verlag, Berlin 1906, p. 33.

Individual evidence

  1. means November 1945
  2. October 19 - a memorable day for the Koblenz Theater in: Rhein-Zeitung from October 18, 2015

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