Boy work

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The boys' work (in Austria, Switzerland and southern Germany working with boys or lads ) is part of school education , the youth or the child and youth services , specifically tailored to work with boys their themes, situations, needs, concerns and desires.


Specifically, work with boys is complementary to work with girls on the one hand and co- education on the other . The more recent literature distinguishes boys ' work as “gender-related educational work by adult specialists with boys” from the generic term “boys' education”, which includes any gender-related education with boys. In addition to men, boys can also work in education , women or their peers.

Conceptual approach

Questions and experiences about being young and becoming a man, about one's own gender self-image, life situation and life situations, also about body, health, experiences of violence and especially sexuality can often (or initially) be dealt with or discussed more openly and honestly in a gender-homogeneous group. In a heterosocial context, both boys and girls (and adults) are easily prone to stereotyping . Boys find it easier to be individually authentic with one another , but also to convey their feelings and to talk about them than in the presence of girls, in whom they would orient themselves more towards the socially expected role behavior of the sexes.

As a prerequisite for pedagogical work with boys to be defined as boys' work, a specific selection of methods is often less important than the gender-related competence of the educator with regard to the living conditions of boys and his gender-reflective attitude - which he then also implements pedagogically and methodically .

The Swiss School Boy Work Network recommends that instead of traditional male stereotypes, a joyful self-image should be conveyed. The focus should be on the skills of male adolescents and less on the problems they cause. The expansion of their possibilities of perception and behavior has positive effects on both genders, on their mutual relationship and also for the teachers.


  • Alexander Bentheim , Michael May , Benedikt Sturzenhecker , Reinhard Winter : Gender mainstreaming and work with boys. Gender mainstreaming in child and youth welfare. Juventa-Verlag, Weinheim et al. 2004, ISBN 3-7799-1872-2 .
  • Olaf Jantz, Christoph Grote (Hrsg.): Perspektiven der Jungearbeit. Concepts and impulses from practice. Leske + Budrich, Opladen 2003, ISBN 3-8100-3095-3 .
  • Ronald Halbright: Boy-friendly co-education. Location and needs analysis of school work with boys in German-speaking Switzerland. Edition Soziothek, Köniz 1998, ISBN 3-905584-93-X (also: Zurich, University, licentiate thesis, 1998).
  • Heike Lauer: Junge (= Forum Sexual Education and Family Planning. Issue 1, 2013, ISSN  2192-2152 ). Federal Center for Health Education, Cologne 2013, online .
  • Frank Lohscheller: Typically young? Communication and conflict training for boys in schools. Unrast, Münster 2002, ISBN 3-89771-355-1 .
  • Kurt Möller (Ed.): Only doers and macho? Gender reflective boys and men work. Juventa-Verlag, Weinheim 1997, ISBN 3-7799-1361-5 .
  • Andrea Pracht, Heero Miketta: Practical work with boys. A handbook for educators and parents. Books on Demand, Norderstedt 2009, ISBN 978-3-8370-9596-8 .
  • Uwe Sielert : Work with boys (= practical handbook for youth work. Part 2). 3rd, completely revised edition. Juventa-Verlag, Weinheim et al. 2002, ISBN 3-7799-0261-3 .
  • Gerd Stecklina and Jan Wienforth (eds.): Impulses for work with boys. Food for thought and practical examples. Beltz Juventa 2016, ISBN 978-3-7799-2310-7 .
  • Benedikt Sturzenhecker (Ed.) Model of masculinity ?! What does the boys' work Votum, Münster 1996, ISBN 3-930405-52-0 .
  • Benedikt Sturzenhecker, Reinhard Winter (ed.): Practice of boy work. Models, methods and experiences from educational fields. 3. Edition. Juventa-Verlag, Weinheim et al. 2010, ISBN 978-3-7799-0971-2 .
  • Jan Wienforth: Professional habitus in boys' work. Between reproduction and deconstruction of existing gender constructions. Budrich, Opladen et al. 2015, ISBN 978-3-86388-097-2 .
  • Reinhard Winter: boys. A manual. Understand and support boys. Beltz, Weinheim et al. 2011, ISBN 978-3-407-85931-0 .
  • Reinhard Winter: Work with boys. In: Hans-Uwe Otto , Hans Thiersch (Hrsg.): Handbuch Sozialarbeit Sozialpädagogik. 3. Edition. Reinhardt, Munich et al. 2005, ISBN 3-497-01817-1 , pp. 904-915.
  • Reinhard Winter: Work with boys. In: Thomas Rauschenbach , Stefan Borrmann (Ed.): Fields of work in child and youth work. Beltz Juventa, Weinheim et al. 2013, ISBN 978-3-7799-2904-8 , pp. 52-77.
  • Reinhard Winter: Practice book boys in school. Educational options for teachers. Beltz, Weinheim et al. 2018, ISBN 978-3-407-63077-3 .

See also

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Sturzenhecker / Winter 2002
  2. cf. Winter 2005
  3. (see Bentheim et al. 2004, Sturzenhecker / Winter 2006, Neubauer / Winter 2001)
  4. (see Bentheim et al. 2004, Neubauer / Winter 2001)
  5. Principles of school work with boys, NWBS-ch