Beech bark scab

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Beech bark scab
Ascodichaena rugosa appears in the form of black stripes on the bark of a common beech.

Ascodichaena rugosa appears in the form of black stripes on the bark of a common beech.

Subdivision : Real ascent mushrooms (Pezizomycotina)
Class : Leotiomycetes
Order : Wrinkled scabs (Rhytismatales)
Family : Bark scab relatives (Ascodichaenaceae)
Genre : Ascodichaena
Type : Beech bark scab
Scientific name
Ascodichaena rugosa

The beech bark scab ( Ascodichaena rugosa ) is a parasitic fungus of the beech from the group of Ascomycetes .


Beech bark scab

The beech bark scab is characterized by black patches or stripes on the beech bark . The black pycnidia (asexual fruiting bodies) are coffee bean-shaped, black and 300–450 × 300 μm in size when they are young. In these conidia , the pycnospores, are formed, which are egg-shaped, colorless and 18–24 × 13–16 μm in size.

Ecology and diffusion

In Europe and North America it usually grows on the lower trunk of beeches of different ages. The pycnospores are released mainly in damp weather and are distributed on the tree bark by snails, which means that they contribute significantly to the spread of the fungus. It can also be found on different oak species, where it forms sexual fruiting bodies (perfect stage), while on beeches it occurs almost exclusively in the anamorphic form. The hyphae grow in the cork layer of the tree, where they form haustoria for nutrient absorption. The tree reacts to the fungal attack with increased cork growth, which leads to brittle bark. However, the damage caused is classified as minor; Countermeasures are not recommended.


  • H. Butin, D. Lonsdale, D. Lonsdale (1995): Tree Diseases and Disorders: Causes, Biology and Control in Forest and Amenity Trees . Oxford Univ Pr
  • Heinz Butin : Diseases of the forest and park trees . Georg Thieme Verlag, 1983, ISBN 3-13-639002-4 , p. 104f

Web links

Commons : Beech bark scab ( Ascodichaena rugosa )  - Collection of images, videos and audio files