Buchtar Tabuni

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Buchtar Tabuni (* 1979 in Papani , Western New Guinea ) is a political activist for the independence of Western New Guinea from Indonesia .

Since 1998 he has been studying engineering in Makassar , Sulawesi Selatan . A prelude to his political activity was the accidental death of his relative, Opinus Tabuni, on August 9, 2008 during a peaceful demonstration in the town of Ramp-up near Wamena . After this incident, he organized a protest rally. In the development of his activities he became one of the founders of the National Committee for West Papua . He also organized protest rallies in solidarity with the Campaign: International MPs for West Papua . As a result, he was arrested by the Indonesian authorities on December 3, 2008 and was in trialSentenced to 3 years in prison. He was released on August 17, 2011. In 2011 Amnesty International declared him a political prisoner .

Individual evidence

  1. ^ Prosecuting political aspiration: Indonesia's political prisoners. By: Human Rights Watch (eng.) (PDF; 1.8 MB)
  2. Papuan Political Prisoners, by: Human Rights Watch (eng.)
  3. Buchtar Tabuni released from prison, by: westpapuamedia.info (eng.)
  4. ^ Prisoner of conscience at risk of torture, by: Amnesty International (eng.)