Bujar Leskaj

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Bujar Leskaj (* 3. July 1966 in Vlora ) is an Albanian economist , lawyer and politician of the Democratic Party of Albania PD ( Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë ) , who was among others between 2005 and 2007. Minister of Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sports and since 2011 President of the Court of Audit of Albania (Kryetari i Kontrollit të Lartë të Shtetit) .


Bujar Leskaj, son of Farudin Leskaj began after attending the Graduate School Pavaresia in Vlora study at the Faculty of Geology and Mining of the 1984 State University of Tirana (Universiteti Shtetëror i Tiranës) , graduating in 1990 with a diploma as an engineer for petroleum. He then completed a degree in finance at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tirana in 1993 with a degree in finance. From October 1993 to August 1997 he was employed and most recently director of the customs authority of Vlora and then from April to August 1997 Deputy General Director of the General Customs Directorate (Drejtorisë së Përgjithshme të Doganave) . From 2000 to 2005 he was educational assistant in the finance department of the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tirana. At the same time he completed further studies in law at the Law Faculty of the University of Tirana in 2002 with a degree in law. He then completed postgraduate studies in public administration at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln (UNL), which he completed in 2003 with a Master of Public Administration (MPA). After his return in 2004 he was admitted to the bar by the National Bar Association (Dhoma Kombëtare e Avokatëve) and in 2005 completed a period of study abroad in the subject of public finance at the Otto-Friedrich-Universität Bamberg .

In the 2005 parliamentary elections, Leskaj was a candidate for the Democratic Party of Albania PD ( Partia Demokratike e Shqipërisë ) member of the Assembly of Albania ( Kuvendi i Shqipërisë ) and represented the constituency of Vlora until the parliamentary election on June 28, 2009 . In September 2005 he was appointed Minister for Tourism, Culture, Youth and Sport (Ministër i Turizmit, Kulturës, Rinisë dhe Sportit) in the Berisha I cabinet and held this ministerial office until March 2007. During this time he obtained a master's degree in finance in 2006 at the Economics Faculty of the Postgraduate School for Advanced Research (Shkolla e Studimeve të Thelluara Pasuniversitare) . During his parliamentary membership, after leaving the government between 2007 and 2009, he was a member of the Albanian delegation to the Parliamentary Assembly of NATO and at the same time a member of the Economic and Financial Committee of Kuvendi i Shqipërisë .

After leaving parliament, Bujar Leskaj obtained a doctorate in economics from the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tirana in 2009 with a dissertation on Senjorazhi dhe disa probleme të tij në Shqipëri . From 2009 to 2011 he was head of the Institute for Political Studies " Ismail Qemali " in Vlorë and between September 2009 and December 2011 lecturer at the Faculty of Economics at the University of Tirana. Since December 23, 2011 he has been President of the Court of Auditors of Albania (Kryetari i Kontrollit të Lartë të Shtetit) .

Bujar Leskaj is married and has four children.


  • Përfaqësuesit e Vlorës në Kuvendin e Shqipërisë, 1912–2009 , Tirana 2009
  • Brenda dhe jashtë… Parlamentit (May 2007–2009) , Tirana 2009
  • Senjorazhi dhe disa probleme të tij në Shqipëri , dissertation, Tirana 2009
  • Paraja dhe Banka ”(Cikël Leksionesh) , co-author Dr. Adriatik Kotorri, Tirana 2011
  • Leksione në Financë (Pjesa I) , Tirana 2011
  • Muzat e Qëndresës (Nëpër libra të kryqëzuar) , Tirana 2011
  • Leksione në Financë (Pjesa II) , Tirana 2012
  • Hyrje në Inxhinierinë Financiare , co-author Prof. Dr. Skënder Osmani, Tirana 2015
  • Inxhinieri Financiare Stokastike , co-author Prof. Dr. Skënder Osmani, Tirana 2015
  • Optimizimi , co-author Prof. Dr. Skënder Osmani, Tirana 2017.

Web link

  • Entry on the homepage of the Court of Auditors of Albania (Kontrollit të Lartë të Shtetit)
  • Entry on the homepage of the Assembly of Albania ( Kuvendi i Shqipërisë ) , p. 45