Bulcsu Bertha

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Bulcsu Bertha

Bulcsu Bertha (born May 9, 1935 in Nagykanizsa , † January 19, 1997 in Budapest ) was a Hungarian writer.


He spent his youth in Balatongyörök and graduated from high school in Keszthely in 1953 . From 1966 he edited the cultural section of the Esti Napló newspaper, later the Dunántúli Napló newspaper and the prose section in the literary journal Jelenkor (present). Between 1971 and 1974 he was editor-in-chief at the literary magazine Új Írás (New Script) and a senior contributor to the magazine Élet és Irodalom (Life and Literature). He was awarded three times with one of the most important literary prizes in Hungary, the Attila József Prize . Three of his books were made into a film: Das Kangaruh 1975 directed by János Zsombolyai as well as Harlekin és szerelmese (1966) and Start vom Nullpunkt (Tüzgömbök) both in 1975 directed by Imre Fehér .



  • Lányok napfényben, 1962
  • Harlequin és szerelmese, 1964
  • Füstkutyák. 1965
  • A nyár utolsó napja. 1968
  • At a styx folyón. 1969
  • A bajnok élete. 1969
  • Tűzgömbök. 1970
  • Meztelen a király. 1972
  • Balatoni évtizedek. 1973
  • Írók műhelyében. 1973
  • A Teimel villa. 1976
  • A kenguru. 1976
  • Délutáni beszélgetések. 1978

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