Federal Assistant Conference

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The Federal Assistant Conference (BAK) was founded on March 29, 1968 in Marburg to represent the interests of the so-called " academic mid-level staff" (academic staff and assistants) in terms of higher education policy and existed until it was dissolved in 1974.

During the time of its existence, the association distinguished itself as a mediator between the diverging positions of professors and students and presented numerous concepts and statements on university reform. The so-called Kreuznach University Concept (1968), in which the BAK advocated equal co-determination of professors, students, scientific and non-scientific-technical staff as well as the establishment of numerous new comprehensive universities , became particularly well known .

Stir the club attracted not least by the fact that in 1969 several assistant representative for the first time university presidents were elected, such as Rolf Kreibich at the Free University Berlin, Peter Fischer-Appelt in Hamburg and Thomas von der Vring in Bremen. BAK thought leaders also gained significant influence in the centers for university didactics that were founded at the time, as well as in the design of the newly founded universities in Kassel and Bremen.

Initially, the BAK saw itself as a non-partisan lobby group, but later disputes over direction began to increase. In April 1974 the 12th General Assembly finally resolved to dissolve the BAK and recommended that its members work in the Education and Science Union .


Fonts (selection)

  • Kreuznach university concept. Reform goals of the Federal Assistant Conference (BAK publications, issue 1), October 1968 (in the Internet archive )
  • Reform of the teaching staff and staff structure (BAK publications, issue 3), February 1970.
  • Inquiry-based learning - scientific testing (BAK publications, issue 5), April 1970 (new edition 2009: ISBN 978-3-937026-55-8 )
  • Integrated teacher training (BAK publications, issue 7), December 1971.
  • Bergneustädter overall university plan. Models of start-up procedures, regional planning and cost estimates for 63 integrated comprehensive universities (BAK publications, issue 8), July 1970.


  • Manfred Abelein: Deutsche Kulturpolitik , Düsseldorf 1970 ISBN 9783571092131 , p. 345 ff.
  • Stephan Freiger / Michael Groß / Christoph Oehler (eds.): BAK documentation. Excerpts from communications from the Federal Assistant Conference 1968–1975 , Kassel 1985. ISBN 3-88122-273-1
  • Stephan Freiger (ed.): Young scientists without a future? Federal Assistant Conference - University Development - Young Scientists Today , Kassel 1986 ISBN 3-7982-0452-7

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Wilfried Rudloff: The study reform in the high phase of the university expansion, in: Rainer Pööpinghege / Dietmar Klenke (Hrsg.): University reforms earlier and today. Between autonomy and social design requirements, SH-Verlag 2011, pp. 186–216 (here: 201, 206 ff.)