Stephan Freiger

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Stephan Franz Freiger (born November 30, 1928 in Waldeck , Neumark / West Prussia) is a German mathematician and professor of mathematics. He was the last chairman of the Federal Assistant Conference and as chairman of a home district he was closely connected to his old homeland.


Freiger grew up as the son of a teacher in Danzig-Oliva , where he also attended elementary school and high school. In 1943 he moved to the secondary school in Neumark, as the family moved to Löbau , where the father had been the principal of the city school since 1939. In 1944 he was appointed as Luftwaffenhelfer to Elbing confiscated. In 1945 he was wounded in the battle for Elblag and was then taken prisoner by the Soviets . He fell seriously ill in the prison camp in Chelyabinsk / Urals. After almost four years in a camp, he was released to the Federal Republic of Germany. In 1949 he continued attending the Winfriedschule grammar school in Fulda and graduated from high school in 1952. He then studied mathematics, physics and psychology at the Philipps University of Marburg . After the state examination, he became a teacher at the grammar school in Melsungen and a lecturer at the Pedagogical Institute in Kassel. In 1970 he became a scientific advisor to the project group for the planning and establishment of the integrated comprehensive university (reform university) in Kassel, which opened in 1971. In 1971 he rose to head the planning group at the Philipps University of Marburg for the reorganization of the university. From 1973 he returned to the University of Kassel , where he became a member of the mathematics department specializing in applied statistics. From the summer semester 1986 to the winter semester 1987/1988 he became dean of the department of mathematics and a member of many self-governing bodies of the university.


From 1949 to 1969, Freiger took over functions in the Association of German Mountain and Hiking Clubs , as chairman of the Rhön Club Eichenzell and, in particular, in the youth organization Deutsche Wanderjugend (DWJ). Here he was deputy chief youth warden of the DWJ in the Rhönklub as well as deputy state youth warden of the DWJ Hessen and a member of the Hessian youth ring. He had been involved in university policy in the Education and Science Union (GEW) since 1964 and was chairman of the Federal Assistant Conference (BAK) until the planned dissolution in 1973/1974. He was involved in the establishment of a research group “BAK and University Development” at the University of Kassel with the subsequent conference “BAK, young scientists and academics”. University development "from 10. – 12. October 1985 in Kassel. He had been politically active in the SPD since 1963 and from 1968 to 1972 city councilor in Kassel. He was a member of many education policy committees of the SPD, including as a member of the Education Policy Committee (BPA) on the party executive committee of the SPD and member of the working group University of the BPA on the party executive committee of the SPD in Bonn. He was a co-founder of the Working Group of Social Democratic Trade Unionists (ASG) in 1968. During the reunification of Germany , he was active in providing support and advice in the new federal states - especially in Thuringia - in the restructuring of higher education, especially at the Technical University of Ilmenau . Since 1997 he has been chairman of the Neumark / West Prussia home district.


Educational Policy Writings

  • as co-author and co-editor: Integrated teacher training. In: The German School. Journal for educational science and design of school reality. Volume 63, No. 4, pp. 206-221, Hermann Schrödel-Verlag, Hanover 1971.
  • The universities of applied sciences in a country comparison. A compilation for the GEW symposium 'Universities of Applied Sciences in the Development of a Comprehensive University' Kassel 1972.
  • What will happen to the study reform. Results report u. a. from the congress of GEW, BAK, BdWi u. VDS in Bonn on June 30th and July 1, 1973. Fischer Taschenbuch Verlag, Frankfurt 1974, ISBN 3-436-01884-8 .
  • as author and Ed .: Excerpts from communications from the Federal Assistant Conference 1968–1975. Kassel 1985, ISBN 3-88122-273-1 .
  • as co-editor: Young scientists without a future? Federal Assistant Conference, University Development, Young Scientists Today. Johannes Stauda Verlag, Kassel 1986, ISBN 3-7982-0452-7 .
  • as editor: The Drewenzbote. No. 91 to No. 122: Home letter of the Neumar / West Prussia district and its city and administrative districts. Self-published, Kassel, 1997 to 2013.
  • as publisher: Heimatbuch des Kreis Neumark in West Prussia until 1941 Kreis Löbau (West Prussia). Self-published by the Neumark district in 1979, reprinted in 2013.

Specialist publications

  • Debt counseling in the Federal Republic. Part II: Statistical Description and Analysis. Bundesarbeitsgemeinschaft Schuldnerberatung, 1989, ISBN 3-927479-01-2 .
  • Statistical methods for mapping economic and social phenomena. Comprehensive University of Kassel, Kassel 1986, ISBN 3-88122-294-4 .
  • Statistical estimation and testing procedures for economic and social data. Comprehensive University of Kassel, Kassel 1986, ISBN 3-88122-343-6 .
  • Survey, data processing and presentation using the example of the "Spangenberg old town renovation" project. Comprehensive University of Kassel, Kassel 1983, ISBN 3-88122-137-9 .
  • The function of mathematical models in political practice, illustrated using an example from university planning. In: Mathematical Modeling. Hamburg 1986, ISBN 3-89028-068-4 .



  • Ruth Deutscher, Gerhard Fieseler, Harry Maor (Hrsg.): Lexicon of social work. Verlag Kohlhammer, 1978, ISBN 3-17-002487-6 .
  • Hella Kastendiek: Workers in the SPD. Formation and function of the working group for employee issues (AfA). Verlag Die Arbeitswelt, Berlin 1978, ISBN 3-88114-216-9 .

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