Bundesrealgymnasium and Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium Dornbirn-Schoren

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BRG and BORG Dornbirn
BRG and BORG Dornbirn Schoren 1.jpg
Exterior view of the BRG and BORG Dornbirn-Schoren
type of school Bundesrealgymnasium and Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium
founding 1972
place Dornbirn
state Vorarlberg
Country Austria
Coordinates 47 ° 24 '39 "  N , 9 ° 43' 48"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 24 '39 "  N , 9 ° 43' 48"  E
carrier Republic of Austria
student 809 (2015/16)
management Reinhard Sepp
Website www.brg-schoren.ac.at
View from Höchststrasse
View of the shell of the school in 1972

The Bundesrealgymnasium and Bundesoberstufenrealgymnasium Dornbirn-Schoren (BRG and BORG Dornbirn-Schoren) is a Realgymnasium in the Austrian city ​​of Dornbirn in the state of Vorarlberg .

School organization

Both upper and lower school students between the ages of 10 and 18 have been taught in the second Dornbirn grammar school since 1972. The four upper level forms of " Schoren ", as the school is shortened after the Dornbirn district of Schoren , each end after four years with the maturity and diploma examination ( Matura ) according to the curriculum of the AHS upper level . Each year school representatives are also elected to represent the school in the pupil parliament. There is the head boy, the first deputy and the second deputy. In 2017/18 these were Noah Brunner, Melisa Chelem and Laurenz Cöllen. The election takes place democratically, with a runoff election if the result is not clear to a candidate.

In contrast to the older Bundesgymnasium Dornbirn , which is also referred to as "Upper Gymnasium" or "Stadtgymnasium", the BRG and BORG Dornbirn-Schoren, which is called the "Lower Gymnasium" or "Schorengymnasium", is run as a Realgymnasium without a linguistic focus. In both cases the school authority is the Federal Ministry for Education, Art and Culture , i.e. the Republic of Austria . In the 2015/16 school year, 386 pupils and 423 pupils were taught in 35 classes at the BRG and BORG Dornbirn-Schoren. Organizationally, the Dornbirn Sports High School also belonged to the BRG and BORG Dornbirn-Schoren until July 2010. It only accepts upper school students and has been an independent school since the 2010/11 school year.

Upper school branches

While the classes in the lower grades are usually run uniformly according to the AHS lower grades timetable, from the fifth grade (9th grade ) onwards, the students in the upper  grades have the option of choosing one of the four branches offered. Depending on whether the students sign up for the arts, arts, computer science or natural sciences, the curriculum is expanded accordingly. It is also compulsory for all high school students to learn a second foreign language in addition to English . At BORG Schoren this can be either Latin or French . However, there are also so-called compulsory elective subjects that enable the student to take additional subjects such as Spanish , Russian or Italian , as well as compulsory subjects such as chemistry or mathematics .

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Info folder (PDF; 2.11 MB) of the BRG and BORG Dornbirn-Schoren from the school year 2013/14.
  2. a b School statistics of the State of Vorarlberg 2015/16. (PDF) p. 78 , accessed on July 12, 2017 .