Federal Criminal Court

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Federal Criminal Court BStGer
Headquarters Bellinzona , Canton Ticino
Chief Sylvia Frei
Deputy Stephan Blättler
Employees 65 employees, including 18 judges
Website www.bstger.ch

The Federal Criminal Court ( BStGer ; French Tribunal pénal fédéral , TPF ; Italian Tribunale penale federale , TPF ; Romansh Tribunal penal federal , TPF ) is a federal court with its seat in Bellinzona . It was created as part of the standardization of the criminal procedure law of the individual cantons and the Confederation and began its work at the beginning of 2004.

Legal basis

Article 191a paragraph 1 of the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation provides: “The Confederation shall appoint a criminal court; this judges first instance criminal cases which the law assigns to federal jurisdiction. The law can establish further competences for the Federal Criminal Court. "

The federal law on the organization of federal criminal authorities regulates the position, organization and competence of the federal criminal court as well as the applicable procedural law.

The Federal Criminal Court has also regulated the organization and administration of the courts in its organizational regulations.


The Federal Criminal Court judges in the first instance through its criminal chamber those criminal cases which the law makes subject to the jurisdiction of the Confederation; primarily the offenses listed in Articles 23 and 24 of the Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure . In addition, there is the assessment of other criminal and administrative offenses for which the jurisdiction of the Federal Criminal Court results from other federal laws.

In federal criminal proceedings, the Federal Criminal Court also judges complaints against procedural acts by the police, the federal prosecutor's office, against decisions of its own criminal chamber and the compulsory measures court through its board of appeal. In addition, the law assigns various other responsibilities to the Board of Appeal. Among them, in terms of both number and material importance, the complaints in the area of ​​international mutual legal assistance in criminal matters (including extradition requests) stand out.

Organization and size

According to Article 32 ff. StBOG, the Federal Criminal Court is composed of the two chambers already mentioned (each presided over by a President) as well as the General Secretariat and its services. The court also has the following statutory management bodies: the Presidium, the General Court and the Administrative Commission.

Around 70 people were employed at the Federal Criminal Court in January 2013, including 18 judges.


The Federal Criminal Court ( the former cantonal commercial school)

After the Federal Criminal Court and the Federal Administrative Court had been created as new institutions with the judicial reform in 2000, a two-stage project competition was decided in 2008, which the offices of Bearth and Deplazes won in cooperation with Durisch and Nolli . Including two old buildings, the former praetorium, designed by Ferdinando Bernasconi in 1895 , and the former commercial school, also planned by Emilio Donati in 1895, an ensemble was created with the addition of a U-shaped structure made of white in-situ concrete, which is described as restrained and harmonious.

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. On the way to standardizing the law of criminal procedure. Federal Office of Justice, March 15, 2001, accessed on January 8, 2014 .
  2. Art. 191a paragraph 1 of the Federal Constitution of the Swiss Confederation of April 18, 1999 (BV, SR 101)
  3. Art. 32 to Art. 52 of the Federal Act on the Organization of the Federal Criminal Authorities of March 19, 2010 (Criminal Authority Organization Act, StBOG; SR 173.71)
  4. Organizational regulations for the Federal Criminal Court dated August 31, 2010 (Organizational regulations BStGer, BStGerOR; SR 173.713.161)
  5. Art. 23, 24 Swiss Code of Criminal Procedure of October 5, 2007 (StPO; SR 312.0)
  6. Art. 5 of the Federal Act on the Organization of Federal Criminal Authorities of March 19, 2010 (Criminal Authority Organization Act, StBOG; SR 173.71)
  7. Art. 37 of the Federal Act on the Organization of the Federal Criminal Authorities of March 19, 2010 (Criminal Authority Organization Act, StBOG; SR 173.71)
  8. Federal Criminal Court: Info sheet (PDF; 61 kB)
  9. ^ Af: Federal Criminal Court in Bellinzona . In: Tec21 . tape 134 , no. 20 , 2008, p. 6th f . ( online ).
  10. ^ Roman Hollenstein: Classicism set in concrete. The new federal criminal court in Bellinzona. In: Neue Zürcher Zeitung. November 7, 2013, accessed March 5, 2014 .

Coordinates: 46 ° 11 '23 "  N , 9 ° 1' 14"  E ; CH1903:  722,124  /  116593