Burcu Çelik Özkan

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Burcu Çelik Özkan (born January 1, 1986 in the village of Durugöze in the district of Korkut / Muş province ) is a Kurdish politician of the HDP party . She was a member of the Turkish parliament for the city of Mus in the 26th legislative period . She was arrested in 2017 for "terrorism propaganda" and is currently serving a seven-year prison sentence.


The family was evicted from their home village when Burcu Çelik was seven years old. The family settled in Yalova . After the earthquake in Gölcük in 1999 the family moved to Bursa. Burcu finished middle school there and then went to high school. Burcu Çelik graduated from Marmara University with a law degree and is the daughter of Kadri Çelik, a member of the PKK who died in a mine explosion in 2012. Özkan has a daughter who, according to a court ruling, is allowed to live with her in prison. She worked as a lawyer in numerous processes of the so-called KCK proceedings.

Law enforcement and litigation

Özkan was convicted in April 2016 for participating in funeral ceremonies by PKK members. In October 2016, she was sentenced to six years in prison for “supporting a terrorist organization”. The judgment was overturned by the appellate court in April 2018 and commuted to a prison sentence of 7 years and 3 months for three other terrorist offenses. In one case, she threatened village guards , but then apologized in a press release.

Individual evidence

  1. Michael Palomino: Cultural contribution from Turkey (Part 6) from September 17, 2017. Accessed on August 27, 2018 .
  2. HDP Muş Milletvekili Burcu Çelik Özkan'a 7 yıl 3 ay 10 gün hapis. Retrieved August 27, 2018 (Turkish).