Blauenstein Castle (Blaubeuren)

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Blauenstein Castle
View of Blaubeuren, the rock ridge that once supported the castle can be seen in the background

View of Blaubeuren, the rock ridge that once supported the castle can be seen in the background

Creation time : 1200 to 1300
Castle type : Höhenburg, spur location
Conservation status: Burgstall
Standing position : Count
Place: Blaubeuren
Geographical location 48 ° 24 '59 "  N , 9 ° 46' 50.5"  E Coordinates: 48 ° 24 '59 "  N , 9 ° 46' 50.5"  E
Height: 654  m above sea level NN
Blauenstein Castle (Baden-Wuerttemberg)
Blauenstein Castle

The castle Blaustein is a Outbound Spur castle on the 654  m above sea level. NN high blue rocks above the town of Blaubeuren in the Alb-Donau district in Baden-Württemberg .


The castle was probably built by the Counts of Helfenstein in the 13th century to monitor the Alb plateau north of Blaubeurens and the road coming from there. The castle was first mentioned in 1303, when Count Ulrich VIII von Helfenstein sold it to the Dukes of Austria and got it back as a fief . In 1384 Blauenstein was pledged by Countess Anna von Helfenstein to the knight Lutz von Landau, in 1397 the castle was owned by the city of Ulm .

In 1519, Burg Blauenstein, together with Blaubeuren and Burg Ruck, were besieged and shot at by Duke Ulrich von Württemberg with 300 men , but had to withdraw again after heavy resistance.

From 1553 onwards, the castle was described several times as dilapidated, and newer buildings on the Burgplatz were also mentioned (1616: Blauhäuslein). In 1628 repair work was carried out on the complex, but this did not stop the castle from leaving. In 1699 it says: “The Blauenstein fortress, as it stood on the blue rock, has now completely gone. A log cabin could be seen not long ago ... ” , from 1773 it was sold for demolition by the city of Blaubeuren.


The former small spur castle with a floor area of ​​about 32 by 10 meters probably consisted only of a stone tower. Only the remainder of a neck ditch and a section ditch have survived from the system . Today the rock serves as a vantage point over the town of Blaubeuren.


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Individual evidence

  1. Source history: Günter Schmitt: Burgenführer Schwäbische Alb, Volume 2 - Alb Mitte-Süd: Hiking and discovering between Ulm and Sigmaringen , p. 69ff.