Silberberg castle ruins

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Silberberg castle ruins
Silberberg ruins

Silberberg ruins

Creation time : 16th Century
Castle type : Hilltop castle
Conservation status: Wall remains
Place: Hüttenberg (Carinthia) -St. Martin am Silberberg
Geographical location 47 ° 0 '20.6 "  N , 14 ° 31' 51.5"  E Coordinates: 47 ° 0 '20.6 "  N , 14 ° 31' 51.5"  E
Silberberg castle ruins (Carinthia)
Silberberg castle ruins

The Silberberg castle ruin stands on a rocky, wooded hilltop three kilometers north of St. Martin am Silberberg, a village in the municipality of Hüttenberg (Carinthia) . The remains of the castle are under monument protection .


The hill fort stood in an area in which prehistoric and Roman finds were made, and in which silver and iron ore had been mined early on. It emerged from a dam facing north. In 1214 the brothers Leonhard, Hermann and Heinrich von Silberberg were mentioned in a document. The family, which was derived from the Karlsbergers , owned the complex until it died out in 1756. In 1280 Heinrich von Silberberg, Vogt of the Göss monastery in Styria, was involved in a feud with the monastery. He was sued by the Gösser abbess at the Duke of Carinthia for robbery and, in addition to the reparation of the damage, sentenced to give up the bailiff's rights. Shortly thereafter there was a second feud between Heinrich, who was in the service of the Duke of Carinthia, and the Salzburg Church , in which there was a dispute over Salzburg property in the Lungau . In 1309, Duke Otto of Carinthia enfeoffed Ulrich von Silberberg with Reinegg Castle near Brückl . Later the Silberbergers were also in the service of Salzburg. Jörg the Silberberger was the Salzburg nurse in Althofen and Reinprecht the Silberberger Salzburg captain in Friesach . In the middle of the 16th century the Silberbergers became Protestants and profaned the castle chapel, consecrated to St. Pankratius . When the family died out in 1756, the castle, which had meanwhile been converted into a palace, was taken over by the Pfeilheim ironworks, but soon fell into disrepair. In 1928 the facility came into the possession of Johann Nepomuk Dickmann, later it belonged to the Knappitsch family.

Building description

The ruin is located north of Hüttenberg, not far from the Styrian border, halfway up the slope at around 1138 m above sea level. The extensive, complex complex was built in the 16th century over the remains of the medieval castle. In 1688 Valvasor was still an intact castle with a Romanesque keep , two residential buildings arranged at an angle to each other and a separate gate. Only a few remains of Romanesque and Gothic remains of the rising masonry of the complex, which has been in decline since the middle of the 18th century Preserve time and have heavy vegetation.


Web links

Commons : Silberberg ruins  - collection of images, videos and audio files