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COPA-COGECA (also known as Copa-Cogeca ) is the Brussels- based amalgamation of COPA and COGECA , the two major agricultural umbrella organizations in the European Union . It has existed since 1962 and is particularly active at the level of the common agricultural policy (CAP). COPA is the European umbrella organization of farmers ("European farmers' association") and COGECA is the European umbrella organization of agricultural cooperatives . Together they form the strongest representative interest group of European agriculture.

The organizational merger of the two independent associations takes place primarily through various joint working groups and a joint secretariat, which has been in Brussels since 1962. Joachim Rukwied from Germany has been President since 2017 , and Pekka Pesonen from Finland has been Secretary General since 2012 .

The two organizations


The umbrella organization COPA (French: C omité des o rganisations p rofessionnelles a gricoles ) was founded in 1958 as the “Committee of Professional Agricultural Organizations” and represents the interests of farmers and their national organizations in the EU.

In 2012 the association had 60 member organizations from all EU countries as well as 36 partner organizations from other European countries such as Iceland, Norway, Switzerland and Turkey. Full members include a. the German Farmers' Association , the Association of German Chambers of Agriculture and the Austrian Chamber of Agriculture . Overall, COPA represents several million farmers in the EU. The current president (since 2017) is Joachim Rukwied from Germany.


The umbrella organization COGECA (fr. Co mité neral de la c ooperation a gricole de l'Union européenne ) was established in 1959 by the national cooperative unions of the EEC founded -Members as "General Confederation of Agricultural Co-operatives".

In 2012 the COGECA association had 35 full members, 4 affiliated members and 30 partner organizations. Full members include a. the German Raiffeisen Association and the Austrian Raiffeisen Association . In total, COGECA represents around 40,000 agricultural cooperatives, which employ around 660,000 people and generate total annual sales of over 300 billion euros. The current COGECA President is Thomas Magnusson from Sweden.

As the European agricultural cooperative federation COGECA heard again Cooperatives Europe , the European region representative of the sector -wide International Cooperative Confederation (ITUC) on.

Individual evidence

  1. COPA-COGECA Secretary General
  2. ^ Copa: History and Goals
  3. ^ List of COPA members
  4. a b Cogeca: History and objectives
  5. ^ List of COGECA members

Web links