from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

CP stands for:

as a distinguishing mark on license plates :

in politics and administration for:

in business for:

in education and social affairs including criminal law and the leisure industry for:

in mathematics / computer science for:

in chemistry for:

in physics for:

  • as CP for CP symmetry , symmetry in elementary particle physics
  • as cP for centipoise (also cps, cp or cPs): Non-legal unit of dynamic viscosity ; 1 cP = 1 mPas
  • as c p for pressure coefficient , dimensionless quantity to describe the pressure distribution of aerodynamic profiles
  • and specific heat capacity of gases at constant pressure
  • as C P for the power factor, dimensionless quantity for the power used for the power available or used
  • Cloud Point , cold property of middle distillates

in medicine for:

in linguistics for:

  • “Complementizer phrase”, a grammatical unit. See complementer

Cp stands for:

cp (also cp. or cp ) stands for: