Calvin L. Stevens

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Calvin Lee Stevens (born November 3, 1923 in Edwardsville , † November 26, 2014 in Ann Arbor ) was an American chemist ( organic chemistry ).

life and work

Stevens graduated from the University of Illinois with a bachelor's degree in 1944 and received his PhD in organic chemistry from the University of Wisconsin in 1947 with Samuel M. McElvain ("Substituted ketene acetals and related orthoesters"). As a post-doctoral student , he was a DuPont Fellow at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 1947/48 . In 1948 he became Assistant Professor and 1954 Professor of Organic Chemistry at Wayne State University . He was temporarily chairman of the chemical faculty, vice president of the university for research and interim provost.

In 1962 he first synthesized ketamine , which is used as an anesthetic and as a drug for depression. He then founded a pharmaceutical company (Ash Stevens Inc.) in Michigan with Arthur B. Ash. He was married to Jennie Stevens and had a daughter and three sons with her.


In 1955/56 he was a Guggenheim Fellow at the Sorbonne and again in 1964/65 and 1971/72 as a Fulbright Fellow. 1959/60 he was scientific liaison officer at the Office of Naval Research in London. He was visiting professor at the University of Paris VI several times . In 1982 he received an honorary doctorate from the University of Nancy.


Individual evidence

  1. Life data according to American Men and Women of Science , Thomson Gale 2004.
  2. ^ Obituary for Calvin Lee Stevens
  3. biographical data, publications and Academic pedigree of Calvin L. Stevens at, accessed on January 1, 2018th