Camille Delthil

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Camille Delthil (born June 30, 1834 in Paris , † July 14, 1902 there ) was a French politician and writer.


Delthil had hoped for an improvement in the political situation in France since the February Revolution of 1848 . But no later than after the coup d'état of December 1851 by Napoléon III. , the last emperor of the French, he was disaffected. Politically liberal, Delthil was vehemently opposed to the Second Empire . During the Franco-German War , Delthil was appointed "Vice-Prefect" of Castelsarrasin , Tarn-et-Garonne, with effect from September 4, 1870 .

Friends with Sully Prudhomme and Louis Ratisbonne , Delthil also became known to other Parnassians . The publisher Alphonse Lemerre included some of Delthil's poems in the later famous anthology Le Parnasse contemporain . Today Delthil is also part of this literary association.

On June 22, 1902 Delthil was appointed successor to Louis Bourgeat . He was supposed to be elected to the Senate as a representative of the “democratic left” . However, Delthil died three weeks later as a result of an operation.

The lawyer Roger-Camille Delthil was his son.

Works (selection)

  • Angelique . 1869.
  • Caprices . 1858.
  • Frames . 1866.
  • Les Lambrusques . 1884.
  • Les martyrs de l'idéal . 1882.
  • Poèmes parisiens . 1875.
  • Les rustiques . 1875.
  • Silhouettes provinciales. Femmes, journalistes, poètes . 1861.
  • Les tentations . 1890.


  • Alphonse Lemerre: Le Parnasse contemporain .
  • Michel Prevost et al. a. (Ed.): Dictionnaire de biographie française . Letouzey & Ane, Paris 1979.
  • Maurice Soriau: Histoire du Parnasse . Slatkine, Geneva 1972 (reprint of the Paris 1929 edition).

Web links

Wikisource: Camille Delthil  - Sources and full texts (French)