Camino a Fisterra

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Lighthouse at Cape Finisterre
Kilometer zero - the last milestone on the Camino de Santiago
Cee seen from Corcubión
Pazo de O Cotón in Negreira
Medieval bridge in Augapesada
Santiago de Compostela with cathedral

The extended Way of St. James from Santiago de Compostela to Cape Finisterre ( Galician Fisterra ) is called Camino a Fisterra .

Strictly speaking, the Camino a Fisterra does not belong to the Way of St. James because it does not have Santiago de Compostela as its destination. However, it was and is closely related to this pilgrimage. The Camino a Fisterra is already mentioned in the chronicles of the 12th century, where it is described that many pilgrims, after arriving and briefly staying in Santiago, moved on to Fisterra - the then end of the world - which can still be observed today. The connection becomes even clearer if one goes back to the pre-Christian times of the Camino de Santiago: as a path of initiation it had Cape Finisterre as its destination. There, the greatest proximity to the islands of the blessed was possible, which the Celtic legend places across the horizon in the Atlantic, synonymous with the confrontation with death.

As a place that is said to have an apparition of Mary , Muxía is another destination on the way from Santiago towards the Atlantic.


Santiago - Fisterra

(The distance to Santiago de Compostela is given after the place names.)

Santiago de Compostela - Ponte Sarela, 2 km - Moas, 4 km - Carvajal / O Carballal, 6 km - Augapesada, 10 km - Trasmonte, 12 km - Ponte Maceira, 15 km -  Negreira , 19 km -  Zas , 22 km - A. Pena, 27 km - As Maroñas, 38 km - Corzón, 44 km -  Olveiroa , 47 km -  Cee , 52 km -  Corcubión , 53 km -  Sardiñeiro , 58 km -  Finisterre / Fisterra , 64 km

Extension to Muxía

San Martín / San Martiño de Duio, 66 km - Lires, 78 km - Frixe, 80 km - Morquintián, 83 km - Muxía, 83 km

Sights along the way

  • Santiago de Compostela - Capilla de Ánimas, Casa del Cabildo, Casa-pazo de Vaamonde, Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela , Colegio de San Jerónimo, Colegio Mayor Fonseca, Fuente de los Bueyes, Hostal de los Reyes Católicos, Monasterio de San Martín Pinario, Monasterio de San Pelayo de Antealtares, Palacio de Rajoy, Plaza de Azabachería, Plaza de Platerías, Universidad de Santiago de Compostela
  • Augapesada - Roman Bridge
  • Trasmonte - Church of Iglesia de Santa María
  • Ames - Crucero de Lens wayside cross
  • Negreira - Pazo de A Albariña, Pazo de O Cotón
  • Corcubión - Ría de Corcubión
  • Finisterre - Capilla del Buensuceso, Castillo de San Carlos, Cementerio del Fin de la Tierra cemetery (designed by César Portela ), Cape Finisterre and lighthouse (Faro), Iglesia de Santa María church, Lonja Turística fishing exchange, Monumento al Emigrante emigrants


  • Míllan Bravo Lozano: Practical pilgrim guide. The Camino de Santiago. Editorial Everest, Léon 1994, ISBN 84-241-3835-X .
  • Helmut Domke: Spain's north, the way to Santiago. Prestel-Verlag, Munich, 5th edition, 1985, ISBN 3-7913-0280-9 .
  • Rolf Legler: Star Road and Pilgrim Path. Gustav Lübbe Verlag, Bergisch Gladbach 1999, ISBN 3-7857-0976-5 .
  • Camino de Fisterra-Muxía. Consellería de Cultura, Xunta de Galicia. 1999 (span.)
  • El Camino de Santiago. Santiago-Fisterra-Muxía. Xacobeo, Asociación Neira. 2004 (span.)
  • Prolongación Xacobea a Fisterra e Muxía. Antón Antxo Pombo. Asociación Galega de Amigos do Camiño de Santiago y Asociación Neira. 2004 (span.)

See also

Way of St. James in Spain .

Web links

Commons : Way of Saint James  - Collection of Images, Videos and Audio Files

Websites of the places along the way

Websites of the places with their own articles can be found there.