Canadian Academic Center in Italy

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The Canadian Academic Center in Italy ( French Center académique canadien en Italie , Italian Centro Accademico Canadese in Italia ) was a Canadian research institution based in Rome .

The Humanities Research Council of Canada hired from 1976 considerations, to offer Canadian scientists in the field of classical studies, Renaissance studies and investigations to the fine arts in Italy a focal point. After clarifying the financial security, the Canadian Academic Center in Italy was founded on an experimental basis in 1978 . The funding came from the Canadian Cultural Institute in Rome, which was partly under the administration of the Canadian Embassy in Italy, the Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council and around 25 Canadian universities.

The Canadian Academic Center established itself in 1979 at Viale delle Mura Gianicolensi 81 in Rome. The director was the archaeologist Alastair M. Small from the University of Alberta . Funding was initially secured for three years. The aim was to pave the way for Canadian scholars through the intricacies of Italian bureaucracy and to gain access to libraries and archives. The establishment liaised with Italian administrative offices, Italian academic societies and other foreign academies.

In 1980, in order to release synergy effects, it was decided to merge the Canadian Academic Center with the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens, founded in 1974, and the Society for the Study of Egyptian Antiquities in a new umbrella institute called the Canadian Mediterranean Institute . In 1982 a commitment was made to fund the Canadian Mediterranean Institute for twelve years. When this financial security expired in 1994, the Canadian Academic Center in Italy was closed. Only the activity and equipment of the Canadian Archaeological Institute at Athens was maintained, now under the name Canadian Institute in Greece . It is responsible for all official scientific activities in Canada in the Mediterranean region.

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