Caranx lugubris

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Caranx lugubris
Black trevally.JPG

Caranx lugubris

Order : Carangiformes
Subordination : Mackerel relatives (Carangoidei)
Family : Jackfish (Carangidae)
Genre : Caranx
Type : Caranx lugubris
Scientific name
Caranx lugubris
Poey , 1860

Caranx lugubris is a marine fish of the family Carangidae . Their English name is "Black jack" or "Black trevally".


Caranx lugubris is olive-brownish to grayish-black on the upper side of the body, underneath the coloration becomes lighter and turns grayish-blue in color. The fins are dark gray to black. It has an almost oval, laterally somewhat compressed body with a curved back. Her head is concave between the muzzle and forehead , his head appears almost angular. The mouth is very large compared to other species of this genus. Caranx lugubris can reach a length of approx. 100 cm and a weight of approx. 18 kg, a catch of over 200 cm has even been reported.

This species has a total of 23 to 30 gill rakes and there are 24 vertebrae. In the split dorsal fin, the first half consists of 8 hard rays and the second half of a hard ray and 20 to 22 soft rays, the caudal fin is deeply forked, the caudal peduncle is slender. The upper jaw contains a series of strong outer teeth with an inner band of smaller teeth, while the lower jaw contains a single series of widely spaced conical teeth.


There is currently no reliable information about the reproductive biology of Caranx lugubris . But it is assumed that females reach sexual maturity with a length of approx. 35 cm, males with a length of approx. 38-39 cm.

Caranx lugubris distribution.png


Caranx lugubris is circumtropically distributed: the range extends around the equatorial oceans of the earth and the species thus inhabits the tropical and subtropical regions of the Atlantic , Pacific and Indian Oceans. It prefers clear coastal waters, deep reefs and can also be found in water depths of 12-350 meters.

Way of life

Caranx lugubris lives solitary as well as in schools of up to 30 animals. This species is also known to follow spinner dolphins to feed on their excrement . Caranx lugubris is a nocturnal predatory fish that feeds mainly on fish, crustaceans and mollusks (mollusks).

Web links

Commons : Caranx lugubris  - collection of images, videos and audio files