Carl-Stephan Schweer

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Carl-Stephan Schweer (born June 8, 1963 in Münster ) is a German lawyer based in Berlin .

Since completing his studies in 1993, Schweer has worked as a lawyer primarily in the field of public commercial law with a focus on energy, environmental and planning law. He first worked for the law firms Fulbright & Jaworski LLP Washington DC, Boden Oppenhoff Rasor Raue, then partner at Oppenhoff & Rädler, until he founded the German office of the international law firm Hogan & Hartson in Berlin in 2001 with four other lawyers. Schweer has been with the law firm Raue LLP since May 1, 2010.

Schweer is the author of various publications on public commercial law, the law of energy systems, emissions trading law , public building law and water law and co-author of the first legal commentary on the Greenhouse Gas Emissions Trading Act . Schweer had a teaching position at the European University Viadrina in Frankfurt (Oder) in 2006/2007 and a teaching position at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg since the winter semester 2016/2017 . He is a member of the legal steering group in the Association of German Architects (BDA).

Publications (selection)

Public law
  • On the requirement of a regional planning procedure in addition to a development plan procedure in the new federal states . LKV 1993, 289.
  • Law of wastewater disposal . In: Industrial wastewater - food industry. Handbook of the Abwassertechnischen Vereinigung atv eV 4th edition 2000, p. 7 ff.
  • The last monopoly. The water market is still a long way from deregulation . In: FAZ of November 21, 2000, energy supplement, p. B7.
  • A class act? With the countdown to EC-wide emissions trading in 2005, Germany has been busy preparing for the seismic developments in the trading world . Power Economics 2004, vol. 8, p. 16.
  • Cooperation with the verifier - what is important now? . TradeNews Emissions 2004, No. 2, p. 4.
Civil law
  • On the burden of proof in case of landlord lawsuits . ZMR 1989, 287.
  • The first trademark directive of the European Community . Dissertation 1992.
  • Regarding contract and copyright law of the architect in the case of design changes requested by the client . Building law. Journal for all public and civil building law 1997, p. 401.
  • Architectural competition and confirmation of further assignment . In: Festschrift for Peter Raue , Carl Heymanns Verlag 2006, p. 319.
  • No insurance cover for renovation planning services; Comment on the BGH ruling of November 19, 2008, IV ZR 277/05 . In: New Journal for Building Law 2009, 220.
    • Remuneration of planning services in VOF procedures, VergabeR 2016, p. 1 ff. (With Heller).
    • Procedural enforcement of exemption claims, NJW 2013, p. 3004 ff. (With Todorow).
    • Exemption claims in the event of a main claim in dispute, NJW 2013, pp. 2072 ff. (With Todorow).

Web links

Individual evidence

  1. Dr. Carl-Stephan Schweer, lawyer at Raue LLP. Retrieved January 25, 2017 (German).