Carl Adolph von Braun

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Carl Adolph Braun , since 1764 Freiherr von Braun , (born September 27, 1716 in Jena , † September 17, 1795 in Vienna ) was a German lawyer, councilor, university professor and manor owner .


He was the son of the lawyer Matthias Nicolaus Braun and the grandson of the Protestant pastor Johann Sebastian Braun from Henschleben and Vehra . According to family legend, he had noble ancestors who lived in Gispersleben near Erfurt and who had fallen into the peasant class through impoverishment.

After attending school in Eisleben , Carl Adolph Braun went to the University of Leipzig in 1734 , where he studied philosophy, law and mathematics for three years. In 1740 he completed his doctorate at the University of Jena together with Johann Georg Estor (1699–1773). Braun then gave legal courses there. In 1743 he was appointed court advisor and professor at the newly founded University of Erlangen . There he submitted his dissertation in 1744 . iur. de possessione ipso iure in heredem transeunte tam secundum iura Romana quam Germanica examinata .

In 1737 he inherited the manor Obertopfstedt together with his three younger brothers. Specifically, it was the so-called Unterhof or Wallhof. Since he was given a legal position with the Imperial Councilor in Vienna on October 3, 1760 , he could hardly look after this estate himself and left the estate management to his siblings.

Carl Adolph Freiherr von Braun left behind several legal writings.

Elevation to the nobility

After Carl Adolph Braun had worked for four years on the Imperial Councilor, Emperor Franz I raised him and his legitimate descendants to the status of imperial baron .


Carl Adolph Freiherr von Braun was married twice.

From the marriage with Sophia Margaretha Dorothea born Schröter emerged:

  • Wilhelm Ludwig August (* 1757).

Born Freiin von Voekel from her marriage to Louisa Christiana:

  • Heinrich Friedrich Ludwig (* 1762),
  • Paul Siegmund Friedrich (* 1763),
  • Samuel Carl Heinrich (* 1771).

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Individual evidence

  1. The place of birth Eisleben is erroneously stated in the literature.
  2. death certificate of the Rector and Choir Master Joseph Ogesser of St. Stephen in Vienna on 13 May 1796th
  3. ^ Entry of the dissertation in the German Digital Library
  4. ^ New genealogical-schematic Reichs- und Staats-Handbuch , 1761, p. 488
  5. Entry at