Carl Deichmann

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Carl Deichmann (* 1946 in Herschbach ) is a retired university professor. Until 2011 he held the chair for didactics of politics at the Friedrich Schiller University Jena .


Deichmann began studying history , sociology , political science and geography at the University of Mainz in 1967 . This study phase was interrupted for a year and a half due to the conscription to the Bundeswehr. After his studies, which he completed in 1972 with the 1st state examination in education, he was employed as a trainee lawyer . A year later in 1973 he completed his legal clerkship with the 2nd state examination and from then on worked as a high school teacher. Since 1978 he has accepted positions as a lecturer at the universities of Trier and Mainz . From 1980 to 1985 he worked as a subject manager at the study seminar for political teachers. He did his doctorate in 1981 with a thesis on: The concept of political-social reality as a didactic problem in political education at the University of Augsburg . This was followed by an activity as a specialist advisor for social studies for the Ministry of Culture in Rhineland-Palatinate . From 1998 he accepted a substitute professorship at the University of Jena at the Institute for Political Science for the field of political didactics . A year later he was appointed to the chair appointed and was there from then until his retirement in 2011 worked to full professor.

Publications (selection)

  • Carl Deichmann: Assessment of Performance in Political Classes, Schwalbach 2009
  • Carl Deichmann: Symbolic Politics and Political Symbols: Dimensions of Political Culture, Schwalbach 2007
  • Carl Deichmann: Textbook Political Didactics, Munich / Vienna / Oldenbourg 2004

Web links